CASS-Wide Webinar Program


The IEEE CAS Society strives to serve our members' different needs and interests. The new CASS-Wide Webinar Program delivers high-quality talks on the field of interest of the circuit and systems community.

As part of the CAS Society’s plan for image enhancement through continuous education, the aim of the CASS-Wide Webinar Program is to:

1. Feature prominent CASS researchers of multidisciplinary nature.
2. Connect students and early career professionals with prominent CASS researchers and authors.
3. Promote and preserve CAS knowledge, and enrich the current educational portfolio of the Society.
4. Enhance the visibility of the IEEE CAS Society.

The webinar series will feature one lecturer a month. Registration is free for all webinars. If you cannot attend the "live" virtual events, the presentations will be available at the IEEE CASS Resource Center after the event.

The webinars will be processed and made available to the community through the CASS Microlearning (CASS MiLe) platform, where interested learners can expand their knowledge and receive credit for reaching proficiency.

Upcoming Webinars

Past Webinars