CASS-Wide Webinar XVII: Machine-learning Enhanced Biomedical Data Analytics for Point-of-care Diagnosis
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Machine-learning Enhanced Biomedical Data Analytics for Point-of-care Diagnosis
This talk will discuss recent machine learning hardware advancement of biomedical data analytics for point-of-care diagnosis. The first topic is about lensless microfluidic imaging systems employing super-resolution (SR) algorithm and related hardware development, aiming to miniaturize conventional optical-lens-based flow cytometers for portable cell detection. The second topic is about Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) system with an optimized NGS sequencer discussed, using deep learning algorithm for cluster detection and base-calling processes. The related energy efficient AI chips (CNN/Transformer/Large-language Model) are reported as well.
This talk will take place on 20 March 2024 at 9:00 AM EDT (-4:00 UTC) and features a talk by Prof. Hao Yu, titled "Machine-learning Enhanced Biomedical Data Analytics for Point-of-care Diagnosis".
Registration for this series is entirely free and will be limited to the first 1,000 registrants per event. If you cannot register, you can also attend the webinar via LinkedIn Live. Following the webinar, the recording will be available on the CASS Resource Center and as a lesson in the CASS Microlearning (CASS MiLe) e-learning platform. In CASS MiLe, interested practitioners can learn through short didactic units (micro-lessons) with practical questions, and upon lesson completion, learners receive digital badges/certificates.
Prof. Hao Yu obtained his B.S. degree from Fudan University and Ph. D degree from UCLA. He was a faculty at NTU Singapore, and now is the deputy dean at SUSTech Shenzhen-China. Prof. Yu has more than 300 peer-reviewed publications, 9 books, and more than 30 patents. He was the recipient of the Best Paper Award at IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (2018), the Best Paper Award at ACM Trans. on Design Automation of Electronic Systems (2010), the inventor award from semiconductor research cooperation (SRC), Springer PhD thesis award (advisor), 3 best paper award nominations (DAC’06, ICCAD’06, ASP-DAC’12), as well as number of keynote talks. He was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, Associate Editors of IEEE Trans. on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, ACM Trans. on Embedded Computing Systems, Elsevier Integration, the VLSI Journal/Microelectronics Journal, and Scientific Reports, and has served as TPC member of various IEEE/ACM conferences (BioCAS、CICC、ASSCC、DAC etc). He was also founders of several high-tech companies with 2 WU Wen-Jun AI Science & Technology Award. He is a senior member of IEEE.