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AICAS 2027 Call for Expressions of Interest

The expression of Interest deadline is extended to 17 February 2025. 
3 months 1 week ago
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The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) is soliciting proposals from all IEEE regions for hosting the 2027 edition of its International Conference of Artificial Intelligence Circuits, and Systems (AICAS).

Myung Hoon Sunwoo, Coordinator
AICAS Steering Committee

At this time, we are soliciting an Expression of Interest.

The Expression of Interest deadline is extended to 17 February 2025. Proposers will receive notification by 7 March if their Expression of Interest is accepted. Finalists will present full bids at the AICAS Steering Committee meeting on 29 April 2025.

AICAS is an annual event financially sponsored by the IEEE CAS Society (CASS). It is organized in March or April. Its technical sessions last for three days, and they are preceded by a day devoted to tutorials. Social events for all attendees include a welcome reception and a banquet. Lunch may be provided to attendees during the days of technical sessions if restaurants are not around. AICAS is preferably organized in locations that are close to city centers and offer opportunities for the participants to come in contact and experience the local history and culture.

AICAS 2027 Expression of Interest Submission Form

The Expression of Interest needs to include the following information:

  1. The name of the General Chair and Key Committee members with their resume. The composition of the organizing committee should reflect gender, regional and age diversity.
  2. Biography, written as an appendix, of the General Chair and Key Committee members focusing on their current or past involvement in CASS leadership and CASS conferences (to not exceed one page per/person).
  3. Details on any sponsoring organizations, including IEEE OU's and any outside organizations.
  4. Lead Contact for local hosts and contact details.
  5. Proposed destination and venue.
  6. Estimated budget.
  7. A letter of commitment from the General Chair to present the proposal in-person or via Zoom at AICAS 2025 if the letter of intent is accepted.

The Expression of Interest may not exceed three pages (the General Chair/Key Committee members' resumes are not included in the three-page maximum). Submit the Expression of Interest at the webform below.

The Expression of Interest deadline is 17 February 2025.

If you have any questions, please contact the
CASS Conference Portfolio Manager.