Outstanding Paper Awards

2024 Award Recipients

Guillemin-Cauer Award Recipients

Analog Neural Computing With Super-Resolution Memristor Crossbars 
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (Volume 68, Issue 11, November 2021)

Alex James
Leon Chua

Darlington Award Recipients

A Study of a Millimeter-Wave Transmitter Architecture Realizing QAM Directly in RF Domain
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (Volume 70, Issue 6, June 2023)

Mohammad Oveisi
Huan Wang
Payam Heydari

BioCAS Transactions Best Paper Award Recipients

ANNet: A Lightweight Neural Network for ECG Anomaly Detection in IoT Edge Sensors
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (Volume 16, Issue 1, February 2022)

Gawsalyan Sivapalan
Koushik Kumar Nundy
Soumyabrata Dev
Barry Cardiff
Deepu John

CSVT Transactions Best Paper Award Recipients

Temporal-Channel Transformer for 3D Lidar-Based Video Object Detection for Autonomous Driving
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (Volume 32, Issue 4, April 2022)

Zhenxun Yuan
Xiao Song
Lei Bai
Zhe Wang
Wanli Ouyang

VLSI Transactions Best Paper Award Recipients

Adaptive Machine Learning-Based Proactive Thermal Management for NoC Systems
IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Systems (Volume 31, Issue 8, August 2023)

Kun-Chih (Jimmy) Chen
Yuan-Hao Liao
Cheng-Ting Chen
Lei-Qi Wang

Outstanding Young Author Award Recipients

RetinexDIP: A Unified Deep Framework for Low-Light Image Enhancement
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (Volume 32, Issue 3, March 2022)

Zunjin Zhao
Bangshu Xiong
Lei Wang
Qiaofeng Ou
Lei Yu
Fa Kuang

JETCAS Best Paper Award Recipients

SpinDrop: Dropout-Based Bayesian Binary Neural Networks with Spintronic Implementation
IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (Volume 13, Issue 1, March 2023)

Soyed Tuhin Ahmed
Kamal Danouchi
Christopher Münch
Guillaume Prenat
Lorena Anghel
Mehdi B. Tahoori