CASS Goes To University - Proposal Submission Form

Currently open to:

Region 1 (Northeastern US)
Region 2 (Eastern US)
Region 3 (Southern US)
Region 4 (Central US)
Region 5 (Southwestern US)
Region 6 (Western US)
Region 7 (Canada)
Region 8 (Western Europe)
Region 9 (Latin America)

For other regions, please see the announcement for the call schedule.


*Each proposal must be submitted at least 5 days prior to the event to ensure sufficient time for evaluation. 

Contact Information
Has the professor held a faculty position for 3 consecutive years prior to the proposed event?
Please provide a brief description of the event, including the anticipated number of student participants, and composition of the student participants (whether they are undergraduate or graduate students).
Please provide in detail the budget required for the snack food for the event, and the budget justification.
One file only.
64 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, ppt, pptx, xls, xlsx.

*The professor is required to submit the contact information of the students who will receive free one-year IEEE and CASS membership, a graphical dossier of the event, and a brief report afterward.