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BioCAS 2027 - Call for Bids

Submission Deadline: 18 July 2024
1 month 2 weeks ago
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The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference (BioCAS) Steering Committee is soliciting proposals for IEEE BioCAS 2027. 

At this time, we are soliciting an Expression of Interest.

The Expression of Interest needs to include the following information:

  1. The name of the General Chair and Key Committee members with their resume and their current or past involvement in CASS leadership and CASS conferences. Note that three General Chairs should come from different regions, e.g. Regions 1-7, Regions 8-9, Region 10. TPC Chairs should consist of at least 2 Co-Chairs: BioCAS 2026 TPC Co-Chair and BioCAS 2028 TPC Co-Chair  (to be appointed later).  
  2. Details on any sponsoring organizations, including IEEE OU's and any outside organizations
  3. Lead Contact for local hosts and contact details
  4. Proposed destination and venue
  5. Estimated budget
  6. A letter of commitment from the General Chair to present the proposal at BioCAS 2024 (in person or virtual) if the letter of intent is accepted

The Expression of Interest may not exceed three pages (the General Chair/Key Committee members' resumes are not included in the three-page maximum).

Submit the Expression of Interest electronically to the webform linked below by 11:59 PM EDT (UTC -4:00) on 18 July 2024.

Submit Expression of Interest

Proposers will receive notification if their Expression of Interest is accepted. The accepted proposers will present the proposal at BioCAS 2024 in Xi'an, China (in person or virtual) if the letter of intent is accepted.

If you have any questions, please contact Yong Lian (Steering Committee Chair) or the CASS Conference Portfolio Manager.