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VCIP 2017

7 years 7 months ago
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From VCIP 2017

(Publication/Update date Aug 01, 2017)

The IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) Conference, sponsored by the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society and the IEEE Kansas City Section, will be held at the beautiful city of St. Petersburg, FL, USA, during December 10-13, 2017.

Since 1986, VCIP has served as a premier forum in visual communications and image processing for the exchange of fundamental research results and technological advances. VCIP has a long tradition in showcasing pioneering technology, envisioning the future of visual communication technology and applications. IEEE VCIP 2017 will carry on this tradition, providing fertile ground for leading engineers and scientists from around the world to escalate collaboratively the research frontiers within these and related areas. The main theme would be new media, including Virtual Reality (VR), point cloud capture and communication, and new visual processing tools including deep learning for visual information pre- and post-processing, including de-blurring, super resolution, and post capture image enhancement. Original and unpublished work relevant to, but not limited to, the following topics are hereby solicited:

• Next Generation Video/Image Coding

• New Media (Point Cloud Capture and Compression, VR, AR, etc.)

• Stereo and Multi-view Videos

• Low Delay and Multipath Video Communication

• Machine Learning for Visual Information Processing

• Image/Video Privacy

• Cloud Multimedia Systems, Applications and Services

• Mobile Multimedia, Wireless Multimedia Communications

• Multimedia Content Analysis, Representation, and Understanding

• Multimedia and Multimodal User Interfaces and Interaction Models

• Multimedia Networking, Multimedia Traffic Management

• Massively Scalable Multimedia Service Distribution, Multimedia Broadcasting

• Visual Processing Embedded Systems and Architecture Implementations

Submission of Regular and Demo Papers:

Prospective authors are invited to submit a four-page, full-length paper, including results, figures, and references. Furthermore, VCIP 2017 considers the submission of one-page demo papers with a description of proposed working systems.

Tutorial and Special Session Proposals:

Researchers, developers, and practitioners from related communities are invited to submit proposals for organizing tutorials and special sessions on various emerging topics described above. Tutorials will be held on Sunday, 10 December, 2017. Proposals must include title, outline, contact and biography information of the presenter, and a short description of the material to be distributed. Special session proposals must provide title, rationale, contact and biography information of the organizers, and a list of possible papers with tentative title and abstract. Special session papers will be regularly reviewed.

Papers accepted for regular, special, and demonstration sessions must be registered and presented to assure their inclusion in the IEEEXplore Library. Awards will be given to a number of papers with best quality. Please visit the VCIP 2017 website for additional information regarding paper and proposal formatting instructions and submission details.

Important Dates:

  • March 31, 2017 - Submission of Proposals for Special Sessions
  • March 31, 2017 - Submission of Proposals for Tutorials
  • April 14, 2017 - Acceptance Notification for Tutorials and Special Session Proposals
  • June 5, 2017 - Submission of Papers for Regular, Demo and Special Sessions
  • August 25, 2017  -  Acceptance Notification
  • September 15, 2017 - Submission of Camera Ready Papers and Registration