The IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I) publishes regular papers in areas of relevance to the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, namely the theory, analysis, design, and practical implementation of circuits, and the application of circuit techniques to systems and signal processing. The topics of interest covered include:
Analog, Digital, and Mixed Signal Circuits and Systems.
Nonlinear Circuits and Systems.
Circuits and Systems for Communications.
Power Electronics and Systems.
Software for Analog and Digital Circuits and Systems.
Control aspects of Circuits and Systems.
The technical content of submitted papers is expected to have a clear connection to the general theme of circuits and systems. For areas that may contain subjects at the borderline with the domain of competence of other IEEE Societies, such as Communications, Control, and Signal Processing it is expected that papers submitted to TCAS-I will focus on the impact that a particular signal processing or communications algorithm or control theoretical result, may have on the design/implementation/performance of the corresponding circuit or system. Similarly, for papers that belong to the category Power Electronics and Systems, TCAS-I should only receive papers that clearly exploit circuit theoretic methodologies in their analysis/design or present significant results in the integrated circuit implementation. Papers not following these recommendations may be immediately returned to the authors.
Submitted papers are expected to contain new results, ideas, or innovations that advance significantly the state-of-the-art. Authors submitting a paper undertake that the same paper has not been submitted, accepted, published, or copyrighted elsewhere.
Peer Review
The articles in this journal are peer-reviewed in accordance with the requirements set forth in the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board Operations Manual. Each published article was reviewed by a minimum of two independent reviewers using a single-blind peer review process, where the identities of the reviewers are not known to the authors, but the reviewers know the identities of the authors. Articles will be screened for plagiarism before acceptance.