Policies and Procedures


The policies, procedures and regulations by which CASS is governed are embodied in six documents. In order of precedence, the IEEE Constitution, which can be approved and amended only by the voting members of the Institute, contains IEEE's fundamental objectives, organization and procedures.

Revised May 2024


The IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) is a Society in the Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers (IEEE) Incorporation. IEEE is incorporated under the New York State Not-for-Profit Corporation Law. The policies, procedures and regulations by which CASS is governed are embodied in six documents. In order of precedence, the IEEE Constitution, which can be approved and amended only by the voting members of the Institute, contains IEEE's fundamental objectives, organization and procedures. Implementation of the Constitutional provisions, in specific organizational structures and procedures, is entrusted to the IEEE Bylaws, which are approved and amended by the IEEE Board of Directors. The third document is the IEEE Policy and Procedures. Its purpose is to provide more detailed statements of specific policies, objectives and procedures than are appropriate for inclusion in the Constitution and Bylaws. Statements of Policy and Procedures are approved and amended by the IEEE Board of Directors. The fourth and fifth documents are the CASS Constitution and Bylaws. The CASS Constitution and Bylaws can be amended in accordance with Article XII of the CASS Constitution. The sixth document, this document, is CASS Policy and Procedures. Its purpose is to provide more detailed statements of specific policies, objectives and procedures than are appropriate for inclusion in the Constitution and Bylaws. Statements of CASS Policies and Procedures are approved and amended by the IEEE CASS Board of Governors (BoG).

The precedence of these six documents should be remembered by all those engaged in CASS management duties. If, having consulted these documents, questions of procedure or interpretation remain; inquiries should be addressed to the CASS President or the President’s designee.

Acronym List
ACC Awards Committee Chair
BoG Board of Governors
CAS Circuits and Systems
CASS IEEE Circuits and Systems Society
DLP  Distinguished Lecturer Program
DL  Distinguished Lecturer
EIC Editor-in-Chief
EO Executive Office
ExCom Executive Committee
IEEE Institute of Electronics and Electrical Engineers Incorporation
MOU Memorandum of Understanding
SASD Standards Activities Sub-Division
SIG Special Interest Group
TA Technical Activities
TC Technical Committee
VP Vice President

Section 1 – Regional Activities and Membership

Regional Activities and Membership, conducted by the Regional Activities and Membership Division under the CASS VP – Regional Activities and Membership, are concerned primarily with the interests of the individual member in the locale of his home or place of employment, and with the activities of local groups of members such as Sections, Subsections, Chapters and Student Branches. The activities are coordinated within each of the IEEE Regions by the CASS VP – Regional Activities and Membership. The Regional Activities and Membership Division meets at least once per year.


Considering its international membership base, CASS will not directly provide financial support for CASS members involvement in national professional organizations.


CASS Ambassadors are Society representatives who work for the creation, rejuvenation and expansion of the CASS membership within strategic geographical areas. CASS Ambassadors are recommended by the Vice President - Regional Activities and Membership and appointed by the CASS President for two-year terms, renewable for one term. CASS Ambassadors must be CASS members in good standing and be active members in the CAS society. A maximum of five CASS Ambassadors per term can be appointed.

Section 2 – Technical Activities

The technical activities of CASS are conducted by the Technical Activities Division under the aegis of the CASS VP – Technical Activities. The Technical Activities Division meets at least once per year.

  1. An application for forming a new TC/SIG can be submitted at any time to the VP TA or CASS EO. The application should include the followings: (1) a charter with a clear vision, mission, management structure, and membership list; (2) a 3-year plan for achieving the vision and mission with measurable milestones; (3) statements on the benefits to the society and IEEE members.
  2. The Technical Activities Division will evaluate the application and inform the applicant on the outcome within 90 days of receiving the application.
  3. Each newly formed TC/SIG is subject to a 3-year probation period. A review will be conducted at the end of the third year to determine if the TC/SIG can be continued. The review committee can grant a 3-year extension (at most one extension) for the newly form TC/SIG.
  1. The goal of TC/SIG Reviews is to ensure the ongoing health of the Society's technical community and the excellence of its technical activities. TC Reviews are a positive vehicle to help all Technical Committees and Special Interest Groups continue to maintain the highest of standards. They provide a way of identifying and sharing best practices across TC/SIGs and of informing the CASS leadership of the needs of the technical communities. Further, the documents comprising the Review should provide a useful and comprehensive introduction to the TC/SIG for all CASS members.
  2. Any changes to TC/SIG name, scope, and Bylaws are subject to the review process.
  3. The review process is conducted by a Review Committee, appointed and chaired by the CASS VP – Technical Activities, which prepares for each TC/SIG a Review Report providing feedback and recommendations.
2.2.1  Technical Committee/Special Interest Group Review Frequency
  1. The CASS Board of Governors decides when each TC/SIG is reviewed.
  2. Each Technical Committee/Special Interest Group will undergo a formal review at least, and typically, every 5 years.
2.2.2  TC/SIG Review Committee
  1. Composition. The Chair of the Review Committee shall be the CASS VP – Technical Activities. The committee members shall be the President-Elect and members appointed for two-year terms by the CASS VP – Technical Activities from among the current and former Executive Committee and Members-at-Large of the Board of Governors.
  2. Duties. The Review Committee shall guide the formal review process of the Technical Committees/Special Interest Groups. The Review Committee will meet at least annually to review the Technical Committees/Special Interest Groups; it will report to the CASS Executive Committee.
2.2.3  Summary Description

The review process has three stages:

  1. Review Questionnaire

The TC/SIG Chair first responds to a Review Questionnaire that yields a record of and commentary on the TC/SIG's vision for their field of interest, activities, membership, operations and future plans.

  1. Review Meeting

A Panel of the Review Committee then meets with TC/SIG representatives, typically the TC/SIG Chair and Chair-Elect, either in person or via teleconference, to explore responses to Review Questionnaire.

  1. Review Report

The TC/SIG Review Committee agrees on a Recommendation Report, which it submits to the TC/SIG for comments and revision of the Review Questionnaire. A Final Review Report then goes to the CASS Executive Committee for acceptance and release to the TC/SIG.   Detailed Review Description
  1. By mid-February each year, the TC/SIG Review Committee sets a Review Meeting Date for each TC/SIG to be reviewed and sends to the Chair of those TC/SIGs the Review Questionnaire. Ideally, all review meetings are scheduled during ISCAS or, if that is not practical, at another time soon thereafter, either face-to-face or by tele/video conference.
  2. The Review Questionnaire provides a snapshot of the TC/SIG's membership and activities, including, though not limited to, sponsored/co-sponsored workshops; paper review for sponsored/co-sponsored major conferences; session organization for major sponsored/co-sponsored conferences; awards nominations; associate editor nominations by EDICS and journal; distinguished lecturer nominations; TC/SIG elections; TC/SIG bylaws; number of TC/SIG meetings, attendance and quorum; diversity of membership; web page address and date of last update; relationship to other TC/SIGs in CASS, other IEEE Societies and non-IEEE groups; vision/mission statement and future plans.
  3. Experience with past reviews is that TC/SIG Chairs need at least 2 months to recruit assistance from TC/SIG members and gather the information necessary to complete the Review Questionnaire. 
  4. The completed TC/SIG Review Questionnaire, as well as any other relevant information, must be submitted to the TC/SIG Review Committee by the TC/SIG Chair at least 2 weeks in advance of the Review Meeting Date.
  5. The Review Meeting is a meeting of a Panel of the TC/SIG Review Committee with two TC/SIG representatives, usually the TC/SIG Chair and Vice-Chair, to discuss the review questionnaire response.
  6. The Review Committee Panel prepares a Report on this meeting, and the full Review Committee then agrees on a Recommendation Report which is sent to the TC/SIG Chair, ideally within one month of the Review Meeting.
  7. The TC/SIG Chair has two months to respond to the TC/SIG Review Committee's comments/recommendations and return a revised Review
  8. A Final Review Report, which includes the TC/SIG Review Committee's comments and the TC/SIG’s response, is submitted to the Executive Committee for formal acceptance, upon which the report becomes an archival record of the Review, to be referenced in future Reviews, and to be posted on the Society web site (password protected).
2.3 Standards Activities Sub-Division (SASD)

As part of the IEEE CASS Technical Activities Division, the IEEE CASS Standards Activities Sub- Division (SASD) organizes and promotes Standards Committees and related activities on behalf of the IEEE CASS. For standards development process activities, a Standards Committee is defined in subclause 5.2.2 (Standards Committee) of the IEEE Standards Association Standards Board (IEEE SASB) Bylaws. Initial or revised IEEE CASS SASD Policies & Procedures Manual has to be approved by IEEE CASS TA.

2.4 IEEE CASS TC/SIG Chair removal procedure

In the case that a TC/SIG Chair (i) does not support the paper review for the related tracks in ISCAS, and/or (ii) does not hold an annual meeting for TC/SIG officer and new member election, a complaint can be submitted to the TA division. The TA division will evaluate the complaint and forward it to the ExCom if there is sufficient evidence. If a majority vote is received from the ExCom, the President sends inquiries to the TC/SIG Chair. If the TC/SIG chair does not provide sufficient explanation for non-fulfilled responsibilities or does not respond in one week, the President may remove the TC/SIG Chair. Then officer vacancy will be filled following the TC/SIG bylaw. A TC/SIG Chair who is removed under this procedure is ineligible to serve as an officer for any TC/SIG of CASS in the following 6 years. If the TC/SIG chair is not able to serve due to unfortunate circumstances, such as illness, then the officer vacancy is filled temporarily following the TC/SIG bylaw until the circumstances are resolved.


Section 3 – Education and Digital Communications Activities

The education and digital communication activities of CASS are conducted by the Education and Communications Division, chaired by the Vice President Education and Communications.

The Vice President Education and Communications shall act as liaison to the Board of Governors for the activities developed in the Education and Communications Division for approval. The Vice President Education and Communications has the direct overall responsibilities for the development, design, operation, and improvement of the Society’s educational and digital communications activities.


The Vice President – Education and Communications shall chair the standing Education Committee and the standing Digital Communications Committee, comprised in the Division.

Additionally, the Vice President – Education and Communications shall be empowered to determine and appoint other Ad Hoc Committees as required to meet the professional needs of CASS members in terms of life-long learning functions and information broadcasting.

3.1.1  Education Committee

The Education Committee shall comprise nine voting members: The Vice President – Education and Communications as Chair, the Chief of the CASS Institute for Global Education (to be appointed by the Vice President – Education and Communications with the advice and consent of the CASS Executive Committee and BoG), the President-Elect, one member nominated by the Vice President – Regional Activities and Membership, one member nominated by the Vice President – Conferences, one member nominated by the Vice President – Technical Activities and three Members-at-Large appointed by the Chair. The term of office of the voting members of the committee shall be two years, renewable for one term. The ex-officio members are non-voting members of the committee, including Vice President – Conferences, Vice President – Regional Activities and Membership, Vice President – Publications and Vice President –Technical Activities. The Society President is, de facto, a member of all society committees; however, the presence of the President at meetings shall not be used to constitute a quorum.

This Education Committee shall meet at least once a year to review the Society education and training activities.

3.1.2  Digital Communications Committee

The Digital Communications Committee shall comprise nine voting members: The Vice President – Education and Communications as Chair, the President-Elect, one member nominated by the Vice President – Regional Activities and Membership, one member nominated by the Vice President – Conferences, one member nominated by the Vice President – Technical Activities, one member nominated by the Vice President – Publications and three Members-at-Large appointed by the Chair. The term of office of the voting members of the committee shall be two years, renewable for one term. The ex-officio members are non-voting members of the committee including: Vice President – Conferences, Vice President – Regional Activities and Membership, Vice President – Publications and Vice President –Technical Activities. The Society President is, de facto, a member of all society committees; however, the presence of the President at meetings shall not be used to constitute a quorum.

This Digital Communications Committee shall meet at least once a year to review the digital communications strategy of the Society.


CASS maintains a Distinguished Lecturers Program (DLP) and an Industry Distinguished Lecturer Program (iDLP) under the Education and Communications Division. The DLP is managed by the DLP Chair and the iDLP is managed by the iDLP Chair. The formal term of appointment of a Distinguished Lecturer (DL), either in the DLP or the iDLP Program, shall be for two calendar years. The goal of the CASS DLP and iDLP is for Distinguished Lecturers to give a target of minimum 2 lectures per year at the invitation of local CASS Chapter Chairs. While DLs participating in the DLP are leading speakers from academia, those participating in the iDLP are recognized industry members. Both the DLP and the iDLP aim to educate and enhance the professional knowledge and vitality of IEEE CASS members by keeping them informed of the latest circuits and systems research results and their practical applications. iDLP focuses on topics that are primary importance to the industry and emphasis on industrial challenges and perspective. The programs are not intended to provide speakers for CASS conferences, regional conventions, university seminars, or trade shows.

3.2.1  DL Selection

The DLP Chair and the iDLP Chair shall be responsible for soliciting call for nominations in their respective Programs to the Society's TC/SIG Chairs and the Board of Governors. The CAS Fellows Committee will also submit nominations to the DLP Chair and the iDLP Chair. The nomination processes shall have a defined nomination period of eight weeks and all nominations to the DLP and the iDLP should be returned respectively to the DLP Chair and the iDLP Chair with the nominee’s name, full contact information, as well as their areas of expertise. As the nominations are received, the DLP Chair and the iDLP Chair will contact the candidates in their respective Programs to obtain a brief (100 word) biography, confirm contact information, and secure their list of lecture topics. If a nominee does not respond in a timely fashion, the name of the nominee will be dropped from the nomination list. The DL/iDL Selection Committees shall attempt to have a fair distribution of DL’s across regions and in main technical areas. A list containing a maximum of ten DLP candidates and a list containing a maximum of ten iDLP candidates must then be proposed to BoG each year. The BoG votes on the lists in the year previous to the DLs elected term. The DLs are then appointed by the President.

3.2.2  Criteria

DLP and IDLP candidates must be a recognized expert in a circuits and systems area of interest; must hold the IEEE grade of Senior Member or higher and be a member of the Circuits and Systems Society; and must be an engaging presenter. iDLP must work in industry. An engaging presenter is one who is a good presenter who can clearly convey the essence of their work to a wider audience, beyond the experts on the specific field, in a way that grasps the attention of the audience and motivates the participants. This can be supported by related evidence from previous lectures of the nominee.

3.2.3  Publicity

The Operations Office shall be responsible for causing information regarding the new class of DLs to be posted to the Society's Website.

3.2.4  Eligibility

No Technical Committee Chair or Board of Governors member is eligible to serve as a DL during the term of their service or for one year immediately thereafter. Serving DLP lecturers or iDLP lecturers who are elected as a TC Chair or a BoG member during their two-year term, can complete their term.

3.2.5 Procedure

Requests for DLP and iDLP visits must be addressed by the local Chapter Chair to the CASS DLP and iDLP Chair and the CASS VP – Financial Activities. The CASS DLP and iDLP Chair shall keep track of the requests (chapter details, speaker, talk, and date of event), verify there are no timing overlaps between them, and inform the CASS VP – Financial Activities for approval. Depending on the available budget, lectures can be presented virtually or on-site. In the case of on-site presentations, travel expenses related to DLP and iDLP trips will be reimbursed to the Distinguished Lecturers after they file an IEEE Concur report. An e-copy of the expense report has to be sent to the CASS VP – Financial Activities for approval.

Section 4 – Industry Activities

The Industry activities of CASS are conducted by the Industry Division, chaired by the Vice President – Industry. The Vice President – Industry shall act as liaison to the Board of Governors for the activities developed in the Industry Division for approval. Particular duties of the Vice President – Industry are:

  1. Collaborate with the CASS Vice President – Technical Activities to (i) encourage the participation of Industry members in the CAS Society’s Technical Committees, Special Interest Groups, and Standards Activities Sub-Division and promote the technical interaction between Industry and Academia with emphasis on industry trends, (ii) oversight of the organization and promotion of new CASS communities that are attractive to members of Industry or other non-academic sectors, (iii) attract and enhance industry participation in Academia-Industry Forums, and (iv) promote and supervise entrepreneurship activities.
  2. Cooperate with the Vice President – Publications to directly engage Industry members in the publication activities. This would include (i) incentivize the submission of papers from industry authors to all of the CAS periodicals, as well as their participation into the peer review process; (ii) ensure that the representation in the composition of the Journal’s editorial boards is consistent with the society’s industry membership. Incentives will include the selection of topics for special issues or featured articles or invited manuscripts, within the scope of the journals, that are highly relevant to industry members. Financial incentives or company or product advertisements (including branding or the use of company logos) in association with the technical contents of journals, beyond the space and means prescribed by the IEEE policy and the IEEE PSPB Operations Manual, are inappropriate. Similarly, accepting corporate incentives in the form of funds or in-kind contributions, beyond the IEEE policies and society bylaws, is not allowed.
  3. Cooperate with the Vice President – Conferences to develop new or enhance existing mechanisms to engage the interest of Industry members and encourage their participation in CAS Society flagship/premier conferences. These mechanisms include, but are not limited to: embedded industry-oriented technical events; encounter programs to foster interaction with attendees, particularly, students; and matchmaking activities to identify common ground for collaboration with academic experts.
  4. Collaborate with the Vice President – Education and Communications for appropriate publicity of all the initiatives conducted by the Industry Division and recommend Industry members to contribute to the Society's educational activities.

Other responsibilities of the Vice President – Industry for the development, design, operation, and improvement of the Society’s Industry activities are defined in the CASS Bylaws.

In addition to the Vice President – Industry as Chair, the Industry Division shall comprise four-to-six voting members who shall be CASS Members at Large, not necessarily BoG members, from the Industry sector. These voting members of the Division shall be nominated by the Vice President – Industry, approved by the BoG, and appointed by the President. The term of office of the Division members shall be one year, renewable for two terms. Regional balance shall be respected in the appointment of the voting members of the Division. The Division also includes ex-officio non-voting members, including the Vice President –Technical Activities, Vice President – Conferences and Vice President – Education and Communications. The Society President is a de facto non-voting member of the Division; however, the presence of the President at the Division meetings shall not be used to constitute a quorum.

Section 5 – Awards Activities

The awards procedures are administered by the Awards Committee Chair (ACC), who is appointed by the CASS President according to the CASS Bylaws each year, before January 15.


Society awards comprise:

  1. Six Society and Achievement Awards:
    •    IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Mac Van Valkenburg Award
    •    IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement Award
    •    IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Vitold Belevitch Award (alternate years)
    •    IEEE Circuits and Systems Society John Choma Education Award
    •    IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Meritorious Service Award
    •    IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Industrial Pioneer Award
  2. Eight Best Paper Awards:
    •    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award
    •    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Darlington Best Paper Award
    •    IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology Best Paper Award
    •    IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems Prize Paper Award
    •    IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems Best Paper Award
    •    IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems Best Paper Award
    •    IEEE Outstanding Young Author Award
    •    IEEE Circuits and Systems Society ISCAS Student Best Paper Award
  3. Two Chapter Awards:
    •    IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Chapter-of-the-Year Award
    •    IEEE Circuits and Systems Regional Chapter-of-the-Year Awards (4 awards, one per Geographical Region).
5.2.1  Awards Subcommittees

The ACC recommends, for appointment by the President, the subcommittee Chairs for each of the Society awards. In order to meet the stringent timing of the award selection process, the President appoints the new subcommittee Chairs in the first week of the year. The Darlington and Guillemin-Cauer awards should be considered as a joint effort and only one subcommittee chair is to be appointed. Typically, subcommittee Chairs should be selected as follows:

  • Society and Achievement Awards: past recipients of the respective award or past members of award subcommittee.
  • Best Paper Awards: present and/or past EICs recommended by the VP – Publications who serves as CASS Best Paper Awards Chair.
  • Chapter Awards: VP – Regional Activities and Membership who serves as CASS Chapter Awards Chair. 

The subcommittee Chairs will assemble and recommend members to serve in their award subcommittees. A subcommittee shall consist of a Chair and at least 4 additional CASS members, and should be diverse in terms of technical expertise, geographical distribution and gender. No member shall serve on the same committee for more than two consecutive years. For Best Paper Awards subcommittees, members may be drawn from the current or past editors or associate editors of the relevant Transactions or related publications. For Chapter Awards, it is recommendable that members are composed by the Regional Representatives of the BoG. Once members have agreed to serve on the subcommittee, the Chair of the subcommittee shall share the list of members with the ACC for approval after validating that no Conflict of Interest (CoI) exists under the terms expressed in Sec.5.2.2. The President shall take the recommended compositions into account when appointing subcommittee members. The appointments shall be made before the deadline for submission of awards nominations.

5.2.2  Conflict of Interest

Under no circumstances shall members of an award subcommittee be in a conflict of interest situation as defined in I-300.2 of the IEEE Bylaws. In particular, members of an award subcommittee may not author, nominate, or endorse any nominations for the award subcommittee on which they serve (e.g., a member of the VLSI Transactions Best Paper Award subcommittee may not nominate, endorse, or author any nominations for the VLSI Transactions Best Paper Award). Should such a circumstance arise, the award subcommittee member(s) in question must recuse themselves from serving on that award subcommittee. This does not preclude members of an award subcommittee from nominating, endorsing, or being a nominee for awards other than the one for which they serve as an evaluator. Each award subcommittee will act independent of one another with no visibility or influence in the decision-making process for other awards. Any interactions between award subcommittees must include the ACC in correspondence to ensure there is no conflict of interest.

5.2.3  Nominations

A call for nominations for all the CASS Awards will be issued to the CASS membership every year by November 15. The CASS Executive Office shall arrange for a web-based system for the submission of awards nominations. The ACC and the Executive Committee will coordinate their efforts to ensure that at least two high quality nominations are received each year for each award. Nominations for Best Paper Awards will also be solicited from the editorial boards of the publications. Self-nominations will be excluded. A nominator cannot submit multiple nominations of the same candidacy to different CASS Society and Achievement Awards; only one nomination is allowed in this category.

The deadline for nomination submissions will be February 15 of the following year at midnight at the Executive Office. Nominations will not be accepted after the deadline and the web-based system will be closed. During the submission period, the received nominations will be kept confidential and under the sole control of the CASS Executive Office.

Nominators of nominations deemed acceptable for an award but not successful in winning will be contacted in time the following year by the CASS Executive Office and asked if they intend to put the nomination forward again for consideration for the same award. While a new nomination form and reference letters is not required, they may be updated at the nominator’s choice. For a candidate nominated for two or more awards and winning one of those awards, the unsuccessful submissions for the other parallel nomination(s) will not be forwarded.

5.2.4  Evaluation

Shortly after the deadline, each subcommittee Chair shall receive the complete nomination materials (including references/endorsements as well as unsuccessful nominations in previous year that were recommended for re-evaluation, if applicable) for the corresponding award. Prior to distributing the nomination package for evaluation to the award subcommittee members, the award subcommittee Chair shall review the nominations received to confirm that: (i) there is no conflict of interest between the award subcommittee members and the nominations received, and (ii) the package contains all the references/endorsements listed in the nomination (if applicable). Regarding (i), if a conflict of interest is detected, the award subcommittee Chair shall inform the ACC and recommend a replacement in the shortest possible time. Regarding (ii), if the nomination package lacks references/endorsements, the subcommittee Chair shall ask the referees indicated on the nomination to submit their reference letter. Nomination forms shall not have more than 5 references.

Once the nomination package has been distributed among the subcommittee members for evaluation, all the subcommittee members shall confirm the subcommittee Chair they are not and will not be in a conflict of interest situation. If any claim to be in COI, they should recuse themselves from the subcommittee. The award subcommittee Chair shall inform the ACC of these circumstances and recommend alternative member(s) as soon as possible.

If only one nomination for an award is received in a given year, the corresponding award subcommittee and the ACC must agree in unanimous consent to be able to give the award that year. If a subcommittee feels that none of the received nominations meets the high standards necessary for a given award, an award may not be given in that year.

Additionally, Society Awards are subject to the following restrictions:

  • No nominee can be awarded two or more Society awards in the same year. If a nominee is nominated for two or more Awards (e.g., a Society and Achievement Award and a Best Paper Award), the appropriate subcommittees must confer with each other, the nominators, and the ACC to assure that the nominee only receives one award that year.
  • Previous winners of a Technical Achievement Award of the CAS society (Mac Van Valkenburg, Charles A. Desoer Technical Achievement, and Vitold Belevitch CAS awards) are not eligible candidates for consideration of another technical achievement award for the same work. 
  • Previous winners of the John Choma Education, Meritorious Service, or Industrial Pioneer awards are not eligible for the same award. 
  • Previous winners of Chapter-of-the-Year and Regional Chapter-of-the-Year awards are not eligible for the same award within 3 years from the receiving the last award.

The decision of each award subcommittee must be duly submitted in written form by the subcommittee Chair to the ACC within at most 30 days after receipt of the nomination package. Once the subcommittee reports are received, the ACC shall forward the final award decisions to the BoG for endorsement. If so, the President shall inform the awardees and announce the results to the BoG and the CASS membership. 

Section 6 – Administrative Activities


As specified by the CASS Constitution and Bylaws, CASS allows petition for BoG and ExCom nominations, the holding of certain meetings, the cancellation of certain meetings, etc.

6.1.1  Petitions for Nominations

All nomination petitions will include the name of the CASS member being nominated, the position for which they are nominated, and the IEEE number of the signatory. Valid petitions for BoG and ExCom positions allowed in the CASS Bylaws require authenticated electronic signatures.

The Nominations Chair will submit a list of all nominated candidates, listed as eligible and non-eligible, to the members of the Nominations Committee.

6.1.2  Other Petitions

Petitions for other than nominations will include (1) a clear description of the matter being petitioned, (2) the authority for submitting the petition (e.g., a CASS Constitution or Bylaw Article), (3) the printed name and signature of each signatory and (4) the IEEE member number of the signatory. Only original petition signatures are accepted. The sheet of original petitions will be mailed to the President or his/her designee.

6.1.3  Validation

The President, CASS Administrator, Vice President – Financial Activities, and, in the case of BoG and ExCom nominees, the Chair of the Nominations Committee, may scrutinize the validity of signatures. Invalid signatures will be deleted from the tally of signatures and, in no way, will diminish the count of those signatures deemed valid. In cases of controversy concerning the validity of a signature, a vote of the President, Vice President – Financial Activities and, for nominations, the Nominations Chair, will be binding.


The Constitution and Bylaws Chair advises the President and other officers, committees, and members on matters of parliamentary procedure and interpretation of the CASS Constitution, Bylaws and this Policies & Procedures document. The Parliamentarian’s role is purely an advisory and consultative one - since parliamentary law gives to the President alone the power to rule on questions of order or to answer parliamentary inquiries. Accordingly, any appeal on a Parliamentarian ruling will be to the CASS President.



6.3.1  Conference Call or Web-Based Meetings

Members of the BoG or ExCom can participate electronically in meetings.   Notification

Those wishing to electronically participate in a meeting will so notify the EO ten days prior to the meeting. The EO will be responsible for facilitating such participation. At a minimum, an audio connection allowing real-time communication to those assembled and others electronically participating (e.g., a conference call over a speaker phone) is required.   Secret Ballots

Those participating in meetings electronically can designate a proxy prior to the meeting in writing. The proxy designee must be a voting member of the assembly. The proxy will vote in lieu of the electronically participating member (1) only on motions decided by secret ballots and (2) only concurrently with the participation of the electronically participating member.

If a written proxy is not submitted prior to the meeting, the electronic participant will not vote on secret ballots.

6.3.2  E-mail Alias Lists

Coordination and maintenance of e-mail alias lists is the responsibility of the Operations Office. At minimum, there will be alias lists for the BoG and ExCom. Other alias lists may be designated by the President. Alias lists are also available for each CASS Technical Committee. It is the responsibility of the Technical Committee Chair to communicate changes to their roster to the Operations Office for maintenance of the email alias list.   Electronic Voting Results

When, in accordance with procedures in the CASS Bylaws, vote is taken electronically, the President, when informing the body of the vote’s results, will identify the votes of all voting members.

6.3.3  Webmaster

The CASS website will be maintained by the CASS Operations Office and CASS Webmaster under supervision of the President.

6.3.4. e-Discussions

The use of electronic media (e.g., e-mail, discussion site, teleconferencing, wiki, etc.) is encouraged for discussing issues and proposals among the BoG members between meetings. In line with the facilities offered by IEEE, the CASS Operations Office under supervision of the President, shall provide the infrastructure as needed. All electronic debate concerning sensitive personnel and volunteer matters is, however, discouraged.

Section 7 – Publication Services and Products

All publications of CASS are under the jurisdiction of the CASS VP – Publications.


The editorial policy and technical scope of the journals sponsored by CASS are determined by the Society, within the framework and policies established by the IEEE Publication Services and Products Board (PSPB) and the IEEE Board of Directors. Implementation of these policies shall be the responsibility of the Editor-in-Chief of the publication, who will have editorial independence unless a complaint is filed. Unless administratively rejected, all papers must have at least two reviews independent of the editor or associate editor. To avoid financial penalties from IEEE, EICs will work to adhere to fiscal page budgets, approved by the BoG in the preceding year on recommendation of the Publications Division, while simultaneously maintaining the high-quality characteristic of IEEE publications.

7.1.1  Publication Criteria Novelty and Quality

The major criteria for publication of manuscripts in the publications sponsored by the IEEE CASS shall be novelty and quality, based on the recommendation of the independent reviewers, and determined by the Associate Editor assigned to the manuscript.   Field of Interest

Using broad interpretation, EICs will adhere to the scope of interest for their magazine or transactions as approved by the BoG.



7.2.1  Plagiarism

Circuits and Systems Society publications and conferences follow the guidelines, processes, and definitions as provided by the IEEE Publications Services and Products Board (for reference, see https://pspb.ieee.org/images/files/PSPB/opsmanual.pdf).

consideration, elsewhere. Authors who plagiarize the work of others shall be subject to sanctions by IEEE. Such behavior constitutes a misdeed and is subject to the rules of the IEEE Ethics and Member Conduct Committee and the IEEE Intellectual Property Rights Office. Instances of suspected or documented plagiarism shall immediately be brought to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief for notification to IEEE. The Editor-in-Chief will inform the CASS VP – Publications and the IEEE Vice President – Publication Services and Products (IEEE PSPB Chair) that an investigation has begun and will form an independent committee of technical experts in the subject matter of the submission. The Editor-in-Chief shall not be a member of this committee and shall remain as independent as possible. The committee will provide its findings and a recommendation for action concerning the submission. The Editor-in-Chief will provide those recommendations to the CASS VP – Publications and the IEEE PSPB Chair. The IEEE PSPB Chair will contact the author(s) to both explain the charges and provide an opportunity for response. Corrective action will be taken by the IEEE PSPB Chair and may include apologies to plagiarized authors and suspension of publication privileges for 1 to 5 years in CASS and, possibly, all IEEE publications. For additional detail, refer to IEEE PSPB Operations Manual on plagiarism.

7.2.2  Duplicate Submissions

If authors have used their own previously published material as a basis for a new submission, they are required to cite the previous work(s) and very clearly indicate how the new submission offers substantively novel or different contributions beyond those of the previously published work(s). Duplicate submissions arise when a manuscript contains substantial parts of a previous publication or simultaneous submission of the same author(s) or when an entire manuscript exactly mirrors a second manuscript by the same authors submitted to another journal. Journal papers based on previous conference publications are not considered duplicate submissions. Duplicate submissions without citing an author’s previous work is subject to sanctions by CASS and by IEEE as listed below.

  1. All manuscripts submitted to CASS discovered to be duplicate submissions shall be immediately
  2. All authors (that is, any single, paired, or group of authors) of the duplicate submission(s) shall be prevented from submitting new manuscripts for the period of one year from the date of
  3. Any manuscripts already under review by the Society by any of the authors of the duplicate submission(s) will have his/her/their manuscripts returned to them immediately, regardless of the stage of peer In this way, innocent co-authors will be not harmed by having their manuscript rejected; but the manuscript will automatically be classified as withdrawn from consideration by the Society.

Identification of duplicate submissions shall be brought to the attention of the Editor-in-Chief and should be appropriately documented. Notification of sanction for duplicate submission shall be to the author(s) from the CASS VP – Publications with copies to the Editor-in-Chief and the IEEE Vice President – Publication Services and Products.


Authors wishing to appeal the decision of an Associate Editor shall make a request, in writing, to the Editor-in-Chief. If the Editor-in-Chief believes that additional, independent review is warranted, the Editor-in-Chief may select independent reviewers. In the event the author(s) wishes to pursue the matter further or for any other issues concerning the Editor-in-Chief, the author(s) shall present the issue, in writing, to the Vice President – Publications. The Vice President – Publications, with the advice and consent of the Publications Division, will decide the issue. This decision shall be communicated to the author by the Vice President – Publications.

In the event of a challenge to reviewing or publishing actions which cannot be resolved at the Society level, the IEEE Vice President – Publication Services and Products shall be the IEEE officer with cognizance of the appeals process. An appeal of an editorial decision must be submitted within 60 days of final notification of the decision to the Managing Director, IEEE Publications who will acknowledge receipt of the appeal and inform the IEEE Vice President – Publication Services and Products within 30 days. The IEEE Vice President – Publication Services and Products shall, within 30 days of receipt of a written appeal, determine whether the dispute merits a formal arbitration process. For arbitration, the IEEE Vice President – Publication Services and Products shall appoint an individual who shall, in consultation with all the parties to the dispute and with the assistance of knowledgeable members of the professional community, assess the merits of the dispute and recommend a resolution. The recommendation shall be presented to the IEEE Vice President – Publication Services and Products for review within 120 days of the receipt of the complaint. The decision, which shall be binding on CASS, shall be made within 15 days of the receipt of the recommendation by the IEEE Vice President – Publication Services and Products, and shall be reported to PSPB. The decision of the IEEE Vice President - Publication Services and Products shall be final and not subject to further appeal.


All IEEE Transactions entirely sponsored by CASS will use ScholarOne Manuscripts.


All IEEE Circuits and Systems Society publications have established procedures to ensure that no one can acquire unauthorized access to privileged information. The procedures ensure that the identities of reviewers for papers authored by editors or other publication volunteers are not divulged to the authors and cannot be accessed by them. In particular, manuscripts submitted by editors and other publication volunteers are handled by another member of the editorial board; reports and recommendations for volunteer-authored papers, when submitted to the author, omit the names and other identifying information for reviewers; and access restrictions to ensure reviewer privacy from authors are also enforced in the electronic publication management systems used for IEEE Circuits and Systems Society publications.

Section 8 – Technical Meetings Activities

Technical meetings, including Conferences, Symposia, and Expositions activities of CASS, are conducted under the jurisdiction of the CASS Vice President – Conferences, and shall follow the IEEE guidelines for organizing such technical meetings.


Meeting organizers are encouraged to consider the following services offered by IEEE.


Technical meetings shall require the following approvals in order to be held under the auspices of and/or with the support of CASS.

8.2.1  Publication Guide Adherence

All CASS sponsored Technical Meetings, and all CASS co-sponsored meetings where all other co-sponsors are IEEE Societies or Councils, will adhere to procedures contained in the guidelines https://ieeemce.org/organize-an-event/ and the IEEE Policies (https://www.ieee.org/content/dam/ieee-org/ieee/web/org/about/corporate/ieee-policies.pdf). These include but are not limited to (a) 20% projected surplus, (b) differential registration fees between IEEE and non-IEEE members, and (c) signatory authority on all bank accounts by two CASS volunteers (VP – Conferences and VP – Financial Activities) and the signature of the IEEE Staff Director – Financial Services or designee. Exceptions to this policy can be made with the majority approval of the President, Past President, President Elect and VP – Financial Activities.

8.2.2  Criteria for New Conferences New Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Conferences

New Conferences in which CASS is the sponsor or co-sponsor shall require the following clearances:

  1. Review by the CASS VP – Technical Activities
  2. Approval by the Conference Division, including approval of the proposed budget
  3. Budget review by the CASS VP – Financial Activities

Subsequent notification shall be made to the cognizant Society Chapter Chair and IEEE Regional Section Chair.   New Technical Committee Workshops

New workshops sponsored or co-sponsored by one or more of the Society's Technical Committees or Special Interest Groups or Chapters, or with other organizations, shall require the following clearances:

  • Approval by the cognizant Technical Committee(s) or Special Interest Group(s)
  • Approval by the Conference Division, including approval of the proposed budget Subsequent notification shall be made to Technical Committee Chair(s) or Special Interest Group Chair(s) or the cognizant Society Chapter Chair and IEEE regional Section Chair.   Meetings Having Technical Sponsorship or Technical Co-Sponsorship Status

Technical meetings for which the Society provides no direct financial sponsorship shall require the approval of the Conference Division. The VP – Conferences will subsequently read these actions into the minutes of the ExCom.

8.2.3  Ongoing or Repeating Technical Meetings

Technical meetings of any description in which the Society has previously participated require approval by the Conference Division, which includes approval of the proposed budget. For ongoing or repeating technical meetings having technical sponsorship and technical co-sponsorship status, approval of the Conference Division shall be required for each instance of CASS participation. The VP – Conferences will subsequently read these actions into the minutes of the ExCom.

8.2.4  Report to BoG

The CASS VP – Conferences will report to the BoG concerning all conferences with which CASS is associated.



8.3.1  Budget Adherence

Every technical meeting with sponsorship by CASS is expected to follow its budget. The meeting will discharge all of its debts and meet the surplus as committed in the original budget.


All contracts and MOU’s between CASS with other organizations (e.g., meeting management and hotel contracts) must be approved by the VP – Financial Activities with the advice of the EO.   Hotel Booking Agents

It shall be the policy of CASS not to use booking agents whose specific purpose is to engage hotel sleeping rooms on behalf of conferences, workshops, or other technical meetings, and who derive their income from direct payment or commission. When the meeting organizing committee believes an exception to this policy is warranted, a recommendation from the Conference Division followed by the express, written approval of the ExCom shall be required.


No expenses for the meeting organization committee (e.g., travel, complimentary rooms, and registration waivers) are to be charged to the conference unless explicitly included in the conference’s approved budget.

8.5.1  Adherence to Electronic Publication Criteria

All CASS conferences are required to adhere to IEEE’s electronic submissions as outlined on https://ieeemce.org/planning-basics/ieee-conference-publications/conference-publications-chair-role/. Failure to do so will result in fees charged by IEEE for noncompliance. 

8.5.2. Post-Conference Distribution

IEEE's Conference Publication Program (CPP) handles the acquisition and exclusive post-conference distribution of conference content for conferences sponsored and co-sponsored (either financially or technically) by IEEE organizational units such as CASS, according to the guidelines published on https://ieeemce.org/planning-basics/ieee-conference-publications/. The Conference Organizer or General Chair submits any Conference Publication Form for a conference fully sponsored by or co-sponsored for at least half by CASS.


Any technical meeting in which the Society has a financial participation and that is an "approved" IEEE meeting shall meet the requirements of IEEE for speedy closing, and shall not incur penalties for late closure, except with the express, written permission of the CASS VP – Conferences and the VP – Financial Activities. Conferences must be scheduled to close within six months of the event, to avoid the fines that IEEE imposes on CASS for conferences that close late.


All e-mail and postal mailing lists generated by technical meetings sponsored solely by CASS are the exclusive property of the Society and may only be used in other CASS-sponsored activities in compliance with Data Protection Laws and Regulations, as approved in writing by the Society’s Executive Office. Such permissions will be given on a one-time-use-only basis and with the understanding that the technical meeting using the e-mail or postal mailing list will provide any modifications, additions, or deletions back to the Society, or its designated agent for e-mail or postal mailing lists, upon completion of the technical meeting. Further, should a cost be incurred by the Society’s designated agent for e-mail or postal mailing lists to provide said lists, the technical meeting may be charged a fee to cover those costs.

Section 9 – Financial Matters

Financial matters are under the jurisdiction of the CASS VP – Financial Activities. The following policies have been established to ensure that volunteers and staff have a clear understanding of and shall carry out their responsibilities regarding the functions and administration of the financial aspects of CASS.


Adherence to the policies in this section regarding Asset/Liability Management shall be the same inside and outside of the United States, except where local laws and regulations prohibit compliance. This compliance outside the United States should be to the maximum extent possible.

9.1.1  Asset Management

All CASS Geographic Units and all conferences must use an electronic bank account with IEEE. It is the policy of IEEE that all bank accounts for IEEE Meetings provide for the signatures of at least two volunteers and the signature of the IEEE Staff Director - Financial Services or designee. The two volunteers are the CASS VP – Conferences and the CASS VP – Financial Activities. In countries where this policy is prohibited or otherwise cannot be practiced, a procedure can be approved by the CASS VP – Conferences and CASS VP – Financial Activities that is in conformance with the intent of the policy to provide competent fiscal oversight of CASS accounts.



9.2.1  Travel Policy and Funds

It is CASS policy to reimburse reasonable, authorized travel expenses. This includes travel of Officers and Board Members to attend the meetings of the Executive Committee and the Board of Governors. Travel of Officers to represent the CAS Society at IEEE meetings and travel of CASS representatives to the meetings where they represent the CAS Society must be pre-approved by the CASS President.

Travel reimbursement guidelines are detailed in the CASS Travel Guidelines. Reimbursable expenses include the direct travel (economy airfare, taxi/bus fare, car mileage) to and from the meeting place, and single-room lodging and meals (when not provided as part of the meeting) from the night before through the night after the meeting. Expenses not directly related to the meeting, such as conference registrations, phone calls, bar tabs, are not reimbursable. Exceptions to these rules, such as the use of business class and above, must be approved in advance by the CASS President and IEEE; reasons considered include medical necessity. Volunteers are strongly encouraged to compare prices with those available via e-mail from IEEE Travel Service http://www.ieee.org/membership_services/services/travel/index.html. Persons claiming the reimbursement of travel expenses must submit an IEEE expense report via Concur within one month of the final day of travel. Expense receipts must be provided for all expenses over $25 USD. Concur may be accessed at: https://corporate.ieee.org/resources/travel,-medical-and-insurance/ieee….


All contracts or MOUs between CASS and organizations or contractors external to IEEE must be approved by the CASS VP – Financial Activities with the advice of the OO. For large contracts over $25,000 USD, consultation with IEEE advisory services is required. For contracts under $25,000, consultation with IEEE advisory services is recommended.

Section 10 – Legal Matters


The emblem of CASS will be protected by legal registration. The emblem, “CAS” and “CASS” is to be used only in connection with official business of CASS. The CASS emblem may be incorporated in the design of awards, or for similar purposes, provided that the total emblem is used without any modification.


CASS Officers and BoG members will be indemnified by CASS when (1) CASS and IEEE Policy has been followed and (2) there is no associated criminal act.

Section 11 – The CASS Calendar

The following calendar serves as a guideline for actions normally practiced annually by CASS staff and volunteers.


  • SOM: Start of the Month
  • MOM: Middle of the Month
  • EOM: End of the Month
  • TBD: To be Determined
SOM Circulate announcement of BoG division assignments preference form
SOM Send new CAS Roster to IEEE and Journals/IEEE Publications
SOM Send BoG Orientation presentation to new BoG members
SOM Update presentation for DL's and send to DL Roster
SOM Send Concur details (BoG, ExCom, DLs, EiCs)
SOM Seek approval of Fellow Committee Chair from BoG and inform IEEE for the chair
SOM Send 'Welcome to the Year' email to all BoG members
SOM Editors/DEiC/AEiC's Selections are announced by the VP-Publications (NEW for 2020)
SOM Order CASS Credit Card
SOM Order new ExCom/BoG nametags
MOM Send out ISCAS Call for Expression of Interest
MOM Set BoG Election Schedule
MOM Set Officer Appointment Schedule
EOM Issue eVote for Nominations Committee approval to BoG
SOM Begin working with ISCAS organizers on May CASS BoG meeting
SOM Finalize contract & billing with hotel for March ExCom meeting
February 13 ISCAS Expression of Interest Deadline
February 15 Deadline for awards nominations
MOM TAB Meeting
MOM Send Arrears Letters
MOM Set ExCom agenda, and distribute w/attachments
MOM Prepare award nominations ‘packages’
MOM Run eligibility check on awardees
MOM Send award packages to Awards Committee Chair (at times Chair has requested they be directly sent to subcommittee chairs)
February 27 Notify accepted ISCAS Expressions of Interest
EOM Start arranging ISCAS Side meetings - email every TC/SIG Chair, BoG member, EiC to see if they want to hold a meeting, look at last year’s list of meetings to see who to send an email to (Send several reminders, communicate with ISCAS organizers)
SOM Begin arranging ExCom/BoG Dinners for May Meetings
SOM Send email to VP RAM to remind about Chapter Funding and begin processing fund transfers to chapters
SOM ExCom meeting
SOM Contact EiCs of Publications to get page counts for next year's budget
MOM Minutes due 3 weeks from ExCom meeting
MOM Issue May Meeting RSVP
MOM Awards subcommittees provide results to Awards Chair (before March 20)
MOM Awards Chair send the recommended winners to BoG for endorsement and notifies the President of the Award winners
MOM President congratulates Award winners (email)
MOM Letter is sent to award recipients. They must indicate preference of venue where to receive award and submit a W-8/9 form.
MOM Announce Award winners on website
SOM Begin working on logistics for EOY ExCom & BoG meeting
SOM Finalize publicity material for ISCAS booth
SOM Request reports from Technical Committee/Special Interest Group Chairs for the VP- Technical Activities (Ask them if they want assistance with this first)
SOM Send Award Plaque wording to Awards Limited ((Click to show email))
SOM Start preparation of BoG agenda (should be distributed 20 days prior to meeting – if any C&BL amendments, MUST be distributed 20 days prior to meeting)
MOM Follow-up on action items from ExCom meeting
MOM Request award payments from IEEE
MOM Prepare Awards Banquet Brochure
MOM Prepare Awards Banquet Presentation
MOM Prepare Awards Roadmap
EOM Final ISCAS Bid Packets are due - should be sent to VP-Conferences with cc to OM
EOM Begin final stages of ISCAS side meetings arrangements with ISCAS organizers (finalize room assignments, menus, attendee numbers, etc.)
EOM Second Call for Seasonal Schools and Outreach Proposals released
SOM Send any governing documents changes to BoG for review prior to meeting
SOM Prepare BoG documentation in hard copy for meeting & ship to hotel
SOM Distribute ISCAS side meeting schedule to all
MOM Confirm Award Ceremony details with all recipients (Fellows, Society, IEEE Awards, etc.)
EOM BoG/ExCom meetings at ISCAS
MOM TAB Meeting
MOM Minutes due 3 weeks after meeting
EOM Finalize details for the EOY BoG meeting - work with hotel
SOM Follow-up on BoG action items from May meeting
MOM Begin processing and working on contracts for next year (Independent contractors, vendors, etc.)
EOM Begin arranging ExCom/BoG Dinners for EOY Meetings
SOM Issue call for nominations for Editors/EiC's (appointed in January the year prior to taking office – beginning in 2020)
SOM Order gifts for the BoG (work with President)
SOM Order outgoing BoG/ExCom Plaques
SOM Order outgoing President gift
EOM Distribute EOY ExCom/BoG agenda and attachments
SOM Order incoming/outgoing President pins
SOM Write thank you notes for BoG/ExCom
SOM Send any governing documents changes to BoG for review prior to meeting
SOM Prepare BoG documentation in hard copy for meeting & ship to hotel
MOM Call for DL Nominations
SOM Begin working on SOY ExCom meeting (possibly with TAB meeting but President can choose location)
MOM Minutes due 3 weeks after meetings
SOM Prepare call for CAS Pre-Doctoral Grant nominations and webforms and send for approval to President and VP – Regional Activities and Membership
SOM Prepare call for award nominations and webforms and send for approval to Past President and President
SOM Create and mail appreciation certificates for BoG members, conference chairs, TC chairs, Chapter chairs, etc.
SOM Contracts for next year need to be approved and completed with IEEE
SOM Begin appointments for next year
MOM Receive Fellow names from IEEE - Send to President for them to send out congratulations’ letters
MOM Close call for nominations for Editors/EiC's (appointed in January the year prior to taking office – beginning in 2020)
MOM First Call for next year’s Seasonal Schools and Outreach Proposals released
MOM Follow-up on BoG/ExCom action items
November 15 Circulate award nominations announcement to all (send several reminders) - have to be sent out by the 15th
EOM TAB Meeting
SOM Prepare call for Student Travel Grant nominations and webforms and send for approval to President and VP – Regional Activities and Membership
SOM After the President send the congratulations letters, contact newly elected Fellows & request venue preference for certificate presentation (may also be mailed to them)
SOM Create next year’s project management board
MOM Orientation with incoming president
MOM Send email to past Pre-Doctoral winners requesting completion of online form on the CAS website - past winners should complete this form every 2 years
MOM Begin working on website updates for the next year so they are ready to push through on January 1st
EOM Update website, databases, rosters for new year
EOM Prepare stationery for President
EOM TAB Organization Roster due
EOM Create Business cards for new BoG/ExCom members & see if any existing members would like new ones
TBD Call for BoG Nominations - Petitions due
TBD BoG Nomination deadline - contact Nominations Chair & President to see if they wish to extend the deadline
TBD Send material (bios & position statements) to IEEE for ballot preparation. All petition nominations must be checked for member status (each endorser’s record)
TBD Inform all BoG nominators on the result of nomination with voting schedule
TBD BoG Elections Open
TBD ExCom (officer) nomination deadline - contact Nominations Chair & President to see if they wish to extend the deadline
TBD Compile bios and position statements for election ballot (request from candidates, if not provided)
TBD Send document to nomination chair for final slate
TBD Inform all Officer nominators on the result of nomination with voting schedule
TBD Officer Elections begin
TBD BoG Elections close
TBD Announce ExCom election results
TBD Run-off ballot (if needed)
TBD BoG Election results announced to Pres and VP Finance - this is the latest day the results should be received from IEEE
TBD Announce BoG election results and invite newly elected members to the November meeting for experience
Ongoing Manage Conference Sponsorship requests & conference data/information gathering
Ongoing Manage Membership promotions
Ongoing Manage Chapter activity requests
Ongoing Manage Society promotional material requests
Ongoing Maintain active roster database
Ongoing Update various web pages as information updates are requested
Ongoing SM Management
Ongoing Update Chapter Events Listing
Ongoing Update DL Events Listing

Section 12 – Other Policies and Procedures


In the beginning of the year, the Past President shall organize an orientation seminar (e.g., using teleconferencing), covering the operations of the IEEE and the CAS Society for the benefit of incoming members of the BoG.

Section 13 – Modification of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Policies and Procedures

Changes to this document can be made by a 2/3 (two thirds) votes of the CASS BoG present at a regularly scheduled BoG meeting.