Awards, as authorized by the Board of Governors with the approval of the TAB Awards and Recognition Committee, shall be given by the Society. The awards shall be recommended by the Awards Committee, which comprises the Chairs of all Award Subcommittees, is appointed by the President and chaired by the Past President who coordinates all awards activities. Should the Past President be unable or unwilling to serve, the President shall appoint the Chair. The committee shall solicit nominations throughout the society for the awards, screen candidates, and recommend awards to the Board of Governors. Where appropriate, the committee should also recommend candidates for Medals, Awards, and other recognitions within the IEEE. When there is more than one qualified person in a given nomination period, the award may be given to more than one recipient. Alternately, if there are no qualified candidates, an award need not be given in that year. A recipient of an individual CASS award must be a CASS member in good standing and be an active member in the CAS society.
Circuits and Systems Society Awards Committee
Microelectronics Institute of Sevilla, Spain
IEEE Region
Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)