Amara Amara
Amara Amara
Terre des hommes Foundation
IEEE Region
Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
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IEEE CASS Position History:
- 2024-Present Member (President's Advisory Committee)
- 2023-Present Member (Education Standing Committee)
- 2022-Present Chair (Nominations Committee)
- 2022-Present ISCAS Steering Committee Members (ISCAS Steering Committee )
- 2022-Present Nominations Committee (Standing Committees)
- 2022-Present Budget Committee (Standing Committees)
- 2022-Present ISCAS Steering Committee Members (AdHoc Committees)
- 2021-Present Member (Budget Committee)
- 2020-Present Chair (Vision Committee)
- 2022-2023 Past President (Executive Committee)
- 2022-2023 Circuits and Systems Society Awards Committee Chair (Circuits and Systems Society Awards Committee)
- 2022-2023 Constitution and Bylaws Chair (Constitution and Bylaws Committee)
- 2022-2023 Chair (CASS Grievance Board)
- 2022-2023 Chair (Solid-State Circuits Society)
- 2022-2023 Circuits and Systems Society Awards Committee Chair (Standing Committees)
- 2022-2023 Constitution and Bylaws Chair (Standing Committees)
- 2022-2023 Solid-State Circuits Society (Representatives to other IEEE Entities)
- 2022-2023 Circuits and Systems Society Awards Committee Chair (Awards Committee Chairs)
- 2020-2021 President (Executive Committee)