Don Tan

Don Tan


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Dr. Tan is with NGSS, where he served to executive level as Distinguished Engineer, Fellow, Chief Engineer-Power Conversion, program manager, department manager, and center director. Don earned his PhD from Caltech and is an IEEE fellow. Well-recognized as a visionary leader in ultra-efficient power conversion and electronic energy systems, he has pioneered breakthrough innovations with high-impact industry firsts and record performances that “significantly enhance our national security.” Recent launch of JWST Space Telescope represents human’s most power telescope for a historical mission. His suite of the world-class electronics performed flawlessly for JWST on orbit, one million miles sway, with world record-breaking performances. 

Don has delivered 70+ keynotes/invited global presentations. He is, among others, Chair, IEEE Fellow Committee, IEEE Board of Directors, Vice Chair, Industry Engagement Committee and Immediate Past Steering Committee Chair, IEEE PELS/PES eGrid. He was Director, IEEE Board of Directors, PELS Long Range Planning Committee Chair, Nomination Committee Chair, PELS President, Editor-in-Chief (Founding) for IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, General Conference Chair for APEC, Vice President-Operations, Guest Editor-in-Chief for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics and IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Fellow Committee, Vice President-Meetings, IEEE Chair for IEEE/Google Little Box Challenge (awarded $1M cash prize), and IEEE/DoD Working Group Chair, developed IEEE/ANSI stds 1515/1573. He also serves on many national and international award, review and selection committees. 

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