Mircea R. Stan
Mircea R. Stan
University of Virginia
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Mircea R. Stan is teaching and doing research in the areas of AI hardware, Processing in Memory, Cyber-Physical Systems, Computational RFID, spintronics, and nanoelectronics. Since 1996 he has been with the ECE Department at UVa, where he is now the Virginia Microelectronics Consortium (VMEC) endowed chair. He received the 2018 Influential ISCA Paper Award and was a co-author on best paper awards at ASILOMAR19, LASCAS19, SELSE17, ISQED08, GLSVLSI06, ISCA03 and SHAMAN02 and IEEE Micro Top Picks in 2008 and 2003. Prof. Stan is a fellow of the IEEE.
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