Mohammad Hossein Anisi
Mohammad Hossein Anisi
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Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor) in Internet of Things (IoT) at the School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex and head of Internet of Everything (IoE) Laboratory.
Published more than 100 articles in high quality journals and conference proceedings.
Won two medals for his innovations from PECIPTA 2015 and IIDEX 2016 expositions.
Strong collaboration with industry focusing on IoT-based monitoring systems for real-world application domains.
Served as Associate Editor of ‘IEEE Access’, ‘Ad Hoc & Sensor Wireless Networks’, ‘IET Wireless Sensor Systems’, 'International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks'. ‘KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems journals’ and ‘Journal of Sensor and Actuator Networks’.
Guest editor of journals and lead organizer of special sessions and workshops at several IEEE conferences such as IEEE ICC, IEEE CAMAD, IEEE PIMRC, IEEE VTC, etc.
Senior Member of IEEE and member of the IEEE Sensors Council.