Thanos Stouraitis
Thanos Stouraitis
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Thanos Stouraitis, an IEEE Life Fellow, is Professor of EECS at Khalifa University, UAE, and Professor Emeritus of the University Patras, and has served on the faculties of Ohio State University, University of Florida, New York University, and University of British Columbia. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Florida.
His current research interests include AI hardware systems, signal and image processing systems, computer arithmetic, and design and architecture of optimal digital systems with emphasis on cryptographic systems. He has authored about 200 technical papers, several books and book chapters, and holds patents on DSP processor design.
He has served as President, 2012-13, of IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, as Editor or Guest Editor for numerous technical journals, as well as General Chair and/or Technical Program Committee Chair for many international conferences. He received the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Guillemin-Cauer Award and the 2018 Meritorious Service Award.
- Present Members (Digital Signal Processing Technical Committee (DSP TC))
- Present Emeritus Member (VLSI Systems and Applications Technical Committee (VSA TC))
- 2020-Present Member (CASS Grievance Board)