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Wanqing Li received his Ph.D. from The University of Western Australia. He was a Principal Researcher at Motorola Research Lab (1998–2003) and a visiting researcher at Microsoft Research US in 2008, 2010, and 2013. He is currently a full Professor and Director of the Advanced Multimedia Research Lab (AMRL) and was formerly the Director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence at the University of Wollongong, Australia. His research areas include machine learning, computer vision, multimedia signal analysis, medical image processing, natural language processing, and their applications.
Dr. Li currently serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE TIP and has previously served as an Associate Editor for IEEE TMM (2019–2023) and IEEE TCSVT (2018–2022). He has also been a Guest Editor for several special issues for IJCV, TMM, and JVCI. Dr. Li was the Program Co-chair for IEEE ICME 2021, the Publications Chair for IEEE VCIP 2019, and the General Co-chair of DICTA 2014. He has served multiple times as a Co-chair for IEEE workshops and as an Area Chair or Meta-reviewer for numerous multimedia conferences.