Yajun Ha
Yajun Ha
ShanghaiTech University
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)
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IEEE CASS Position History:
- Present VSA TC Member (VLSI Systems and Applications Technical Committee (VSA TC))
- 2025-Present 2025-2027 Member at Large (Board of Governors)
- 2025-Present ISCAS Steering Committee Members (ISCAS Steering Committee )
- 2025-Present Member (Digital Communications Standing Committee)
- 2025-Present Member (Conference Activities Division)
- 2025-Present ISCAS Steering Committee Members (AdHoc Committees)
- 2022-2023 Editor-in-Chief (IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part II: Express Briefs (TCAS-II) Editorial Board)
- 2021-2021 Member (Darlington and Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Awards Subcommittee)