PRIME 2024

19th International Conference On PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics

Geographic Location
Larnaca, Cyprus
IEEE Region
Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
PRIME 2024

Event Menu


PRIME has been established over the years as an important conference where PhD students and post-docs with less than one year post-PhD experience can present their research results and network with experts from industry, academia and research.

The main goals of the conference are:

  • To encourage favourable exposure to PhD students in the early stages of their careers
  • To benchmark PhD research in a friendly and cooperative environment
  • To enable sharing of student and supervisor experiences of scientific and engineering research
  • To connect PhD students and their supervisors with companies and research centres

PRIME 2024 will feature a conference program reflecting the wide spectrum of research topics in Microelectronics and Electronics, building bridges between various research field. In addition to the technical sessions, opportunities for the conference attendees will be the keynote talks, exhibits and social events. The conference is technically co-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE CAS and accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore’s scope and quality requirements.

General Chair(s)
Call Document(s)