ICECS 2011

2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems

Geographic Location
Beirut, Lebanon

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The IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits, and Systems ICECS is the flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems CAS Society, Region 8 Europe, Middle East, and Africa. This conference has traveled to various countries in Europe, Africa, and the Middle East, and has matured to the point of its recent official acknowledgment by the IEEE CAS Society as its Region-8 flagship conference. ICECS presents design methodologies, techniques, and experimental results in emerging electronics, circuits, and systems topics. Furthermore, ICECS includes exciting keynote talks, tutorials, and special sessions. This year, ICECS 2011 will be co-located with the 6th IEEE International Design and Test Workshop IDT. Participants will have access to all IDT technical sessions, tutorials, and panels.