2024 IEEE CASS Industry Forum on Integrated Circuits & Systems for Emerging Technologies

Geographic Location
Islamabad, Pakistan
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)
CASIF Event Integrated Circuits & Systems for Emerging Technologies

Event Menu


The IEEE MTT/AP/EMC/CAS Joint Chapter Islamabad invites you to participate in "2024 IEEE CASS Industry Forum on Integrated Circuits & Systems for Emerging Technologies” which will be held on 26 September 2024 at SINES, NUST H-12 Campus. The event includes invited talks and an excellent networking opportunity.
Invited Talks on:

  • Semiconductors Opportunities in Pakistan 
  • RISC-V, Image Processing, and SoC Verification Technologies
  • Integrated Circuits Measurements
  • Challenges in design & development of Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits & Systems

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