
IEEE CASS Seasonal School on IoT Building Blocks


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The Seasonal School on “Building Blocks for the Internet of Things – IoT BB 2017” was held in Thessaloniki on Nov. 24-26, 2017, and was organized by Prof. Stylianos Siskos and Prof. Alkis Hatzopoulos, from the Electronics Labs of the Departments of Physics and of Electrical and Computer Eng., respectively. The presentations covered topics like sensors, signal conditioning circuits, energy harvesting, IoT applications, data analytics, approximate computing, fog computing for IoT, WSN protocols and secure data transmission issues, power management systems and Laboratory work on measurements using the LABVIEW software. The lectures were offered by experts in the specific fields from Academia and Industry from Greece and abroad. The complete program can be found at the site of our Chapter. A special session about IEEE CAS Society and IEEE Greece CAS/SSC joint Chapter activities was also organized.

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