Circuits Based STEM Workshop for School Children

Geographic Location
Islamabad, Pakistan
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)

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IEEE MTT/AP/EMC/CAS Joint Chapter Islamabad conducted a 1-day STEM workshop for Student Welfare School System located in Rawalpindi, Pakistan on 5th April 2024. More than 50 students from 5th to 10th grade participated in the workshop. The students were trained on various STEM activities including wireless communication, home automation, Electric circuits and Robotics. Four STEM trainers from School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (SEECS) at National University of Sciences and Technology (NUST), Islamabad, Pakistan conducted the activities. The workshop was aligned with UN sustainable development goals (SDGs) including no poverty, quality education and reduced inequalities.

Following objectives were achieved from this workshop:

1. To create awareness among middle and high school students on STEM career
2. To engage students and teachers in inquiry-based activities based on Wireless communication, Radar, Electronics, Robotics, and Internet of Things (IoT).
3. To encourage student interaction with trainers
4. To conduct healthy competitions based on STEM activities
5. To outreach IEEE (in general) and IEEE STEM initiatives (in particular) among middle and high school students and teachers

It is expected that more than 80% students will pursue engineering as their professional career. The students and teachers appreciated the efforts carried out by the joint chapter team and expressed satisfaction for future fruitful collaborations.