
Bruno Zatt

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Federal University of Pelotas
IEEE Region
Region 09 (Latin America)

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Bruno Zatt is a Professor at the Federal University of Pelotas (UFPel), Pelotas, Brazil, and a member of the Group of Architectures and Integrated Circuits (GACI) and the Video Technology Research Group (ViTech). He has 18 years research experience on algorithms and hardware architectures for video processing including 3 years as an intern researcher at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, and 1-year experience as a visiting professor at the University of California, Irvine, USA. Currently he is a visiting professor/ researcher at UniTo (Università di Torino) and Polito (Politecnido di Torino), Turin, Italy. He has published over 170+ papers in international journals/conferences and one book entitled "3D video coding for embedded devices". His expertise includes visual signal processing and coding standards such as 2D video coding (H.264, HEVC, AV1, VVC), multiview video coding (MVC), 3D video coding (3D-HEVC) and Light Fields coding (JPEG Pleno). He holds the status of IEEE Senior Member (since 2016) and CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) productivity research fellow (since 2017). He has coordinated several research projects funded by public (FAPERGS, CNPq, CAPES) and private funding agencies (Instituto Serrapilheira). Prof. Zatt also contributes as a member of the Brazilian Committee on Audio, Image, Multimedia and Hypermedia Coding and serves as IEEE T-CSVT (Transaction on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology) Associated Editor (2020-2023), IEEE OJ-SP (Open Journal of Signal Processing) Associated Editor, JICS (Journal of Integrated Circuits) Coeditor, and member of IEEE CASS Visual Signal Processing and Communication Technical Committee (VSPC-TC, 2020-2023).

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