Samsuzana Abd Aziz
Samsuzana Abd Aziz
Universiti Putra Malaysia
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)
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- Associate Professor at Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering.
- Deputy Dean of Postgraduate Studies, Faculty of Engineering UPM (2019-2021)
- Head of Smart Farming Technology Research Center UPM (2019)
- Visiting Professor at SCOMI Engineering Sdn Bhd (2018)
- Head of Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering UPM (2014-2016)
- Author and co-author of 3 patents and more than 100 scientific publications in international journals and peer-reviewed conference proceedings.
- Leading the Putra Makers Space (3D printing, Drone and AI technology) Universiti Putra Malaysia.
- Member of the IEEE CAS Malaysia Chapter
- Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics and Information Processing in Agriculture.
- General Chair of 3rd CAFEi (International Conference in Agricultural and Food Engineering) in 2016 in Kuala Lumpur, Co-Chair 2nd CAFEi in 2014, TPC of AgriControl2016: The 5th IFAC Conference on Sensing, Control and Automation Technologies for Agriculture', Seattle, WA, USA.
- Founder of IEEE CASMakers Outreach Program 2022
- 1st Runner-up ASEAN US Science Prize for Women (2018)
- Young Female Leader Professional Development Award from IEEE CAS Malaysia Chapter (2015)
IEEE CASS Position History: