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Call to participate in IEEE Education Week!

2-8 April 2023
1 year 5 months ago
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Call for participation!

The IEEE CASS Vice President of Education and Communications and Vice President of Regional Activities and Membership invite you to participate in IEEE Education Week by organizing education activities during 2-8 April 2023. 

About IEEE Education Week
IEEE Education Week is a weeklong celebration of educational opportunities provided by the world’s largest technical professional association and its many organizational units, societies, and councils from around the world.

IEEE offers pre-university STEM, university, and continuing professional education resources for engineers and technical professionals all over the globe! From local and regional activities to webinars and online courses to scholarships and events, and so much more, IEEE offers members and the global community a wealth of educational resources.

How to Participate
Work with your local CASS Chapter and/or Student Branch Chapter to organize educational activities during 2-8 April. The types of educational activities include, but are not limited to:

  • Live events or webinars scheduled for 4-8 April
  • Conference
  • Lecture
  • Short course
  • Tutorial
  • Hackathons/Design competitions
  • Other in-person or virtual events

Submitting Events to IEEE Education Week
If your group is eligible to publicize an event using IEEE vTools.Events, this is the preferred method. Events submitted through vTools will be incorporated into the IEEE Education Week website. (Please allow time for the update to happen.) Be sure to select the category of Professional – Continuing Education or Non-Technical – Pre-University Activities or Pre-U STEM Program.

If you are unable to use IEEE vTools.Events to post your educational event or resources, please submit a form to the IEEE Education Week page here

Please visit the IEEE Education Week website for more information.

Best Regards, 
Fakhrul Zaman Rokhani,
CASS VP - Education and Communications
Kea-Tiong (Samuel) Tang,
CASS VP - Regional Activities and Membership

Submit an Event