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Nam Ling (M’90-SM’99-F’08-LF’22) received the B.Eng. degree from the National University of Singapore in 1981 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA, in 1985 and 1989, respectively. He is currently the Associate Dean for Research for the School of Engineering and the Wilmot J. Nicholson Family Chair Professor at Santa Clara University (SCU), California, USA. He was the Chair for the Department of Computer Science and Engineering from 2010 to 2023, the Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research from 2002 to 2007, and the Associate Dean for Research and Faculty Development from 2007 to 2010, for the School of Engineering at SCU. He was the Sanfilippo Family Chair Professor from 2010 to 2020 at SCU. He was a Chair/Distinguished/Guest and Consulting Professor with several universities internationally. He has over 300 publications, seven adopted standard contributions, and been granted more than 20 U.S./European/PCT patents. He has delivered more than 120 invited colloquia worldwide. He is an IEEE Life Fellow due to his contributions to video coding algorithms and architectures. He is also an IET Fellow and an AAIA Fellow. He was named as an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer twice and was also an APSIPA Distinguished Lecturer. He was a recipient of the IEEE ICCE Best Paper Award (First Place) and the Umedia Best/Excellent Paper Award (thrice). He received six awards from Santa Clara University, four at the university level and two at the school level. He was a Keynote Speaker for IEEE APCCAS, VCVP (twice), JCPC, IEEE ICAST, IEEE ICIEA, IET FC & Umedia, IEEE Umedia, IEEE ICCIT, ICNLP/SSPS/CVPS, and Workshop at XUPT (twice). He has served as the General Chair/Co-Chair for IEEE Hot Chips, VCVP (twice), IEEE ICME, IEEE VCIP, IEEE SiPS, SocialSec, and Umedia (six times). He has also served as the Technical Program Co-Chair for IEEE ISCAS (twice), APSIPA ASC, IEEE APCCAS, IEEE SiPS (twice), DCV, and IEEE VCIP. He was the Technical Committee Chair for IEEE CASCOM TC and IEEE TCMM. He is currently the Chair of the APSIPA U.S. Chapter. He served as a Guest Editor/Associate Editor for the IEEE TCAS-I, IEEE J-STSP, JSPS (Springer), MSSP (Springer), and other journals. He was a Visiting Professor/Consultant/Scientist for many institutions and companies.
- Present Emeritus Member (VLSI Systems and Applications Technical Committee (VSA TC))
- 2025-Present Member (Distinguished Lecturer Selection Committee)
- 2022-Present CASCOM TC Member (Circuits and Systems for Communications Technical Committee (CASCOM TC))
- 2022-2024 Awards Sub-Committee Co-Chair (Visual Signal Processing and Communications Technical Committee (VSPC TC))
- 2006-2008 CASCOM TC Chair (Circuits and Systems for Communications Technical Committee (CASCOM TC))
- 2002-2003 Associate Editor (IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I) Editorial Board)
- 2007-2008 Distinguished Lecturer
- 2002-2003 Distinguished Lecturer