Upcoming Webinar: Non-Invasive Beehive Health Monitoring System (11 April)
An Equilateral Triangle Webinar Series - Upcoming Webinar
Non-Invasive Beehive Health Monitoring System
Speaker: Wei-Jen Lee
Wednesday, 11 April
12:00 - 1:00 PM CL (UTC -4:00)
Though native bees and other insects are also important pollinators, honeybees are the primary managed insect pollinators for around 100 crops in commercial production agriculture in the United States. Roughly a third of our diet depends either directly or indirectly on bee pollination.
Like a family unit, bee colonies are complex social organizations. There may be many female worker bees and male drones, but there's only one queen in each hive. Queen is the only fertile female in the hive and without her, the colony dies.
One of a beekeeper's most important responsibilities is to recognize when there's a problem with the colony, and that often centers around the queen. "It's essential to know whether you have a present and properly functioning queen."
Understanding how queens are crowned, what exactly they do in the colony, and how to spot them can help the beekeeper care for their hives.
This presentation discusses the development of a non-invasive health monitoring system to detect the movement of queen bee and how to tell if the hive is queenright.
Wei-Jen Lee
Professor of Electrical Engineering Department
The University of Texas at Arlington
Professor Lee received the B.S. and M.S. degrees from National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan., and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Texas, Arlington, all in Electrical Engineering. He is the chair of IEEE TAB Climate Change Program, co-chair of IEEE Sustainable Development Ad Hoc Committee, member of IEEE Ad Hoc Committee to coordinate IEEE's Response to Climate Change, member of IEEE TAB Hall of Honor Committee, member of Pillar 4 of the Global Power Systems Transformation, chair of IEEE Smart Grid program, chair of IEEE Smart Cities Education Committee, member of IEEE Smart Grid Operation and Education Committees, United Nations Council of Engineers for the Energy Transition, and project manager of IEFE/NEPA Collaboration on Arc Flash Phenomena Research Project.