Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Technical Committee (NCAS) – 2001-2002 Annual Report

April 2002

During the period 2001-2002, the members of the Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Technical Committee (TC-NCAS) edited four special issues in related journals, published two technical books in the field of nonlinear circuits and systems, organized several special sessions, and participated in numerous major conferences and workshops.

Secial Issues in CAS-related Journals:

  • L. Kocarev, G. M. Maggio, M. J. Ogorzalek, L. Pecora, and K. Yao edited a special issue on “Applications of Chaos in Modern Communication Systems,” in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems -Part I, published in December 2001.
  • G. Chen, J. L. Moiola, and H. O. Wang edited a special issue on “Controlling Bifurcations,” in Latin American Applied Research Journal, published in Summer 2001.
  • M. Hasler, G. Mazzini, M. Ogorzalek, R. Rovatti, and G. Setti edited a special issue on “Applications of Nonlinear Dynamics to Electronic and Information Engineering,” in the Proceedings of the IEEE, published in April 2002.
  • M. di Bernardo, H. S. H. Chung, C. K. Tse, A. Ioinovici, M. Kazimierczuk, and T. Saito, plan to edit a special issue on “Analysis, Design and Applications of Switching Circuits and Systems,” in the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems-Part I, to appear in September 2003.



  • Guanrong Chen and Tetsushi Ueta edited a book entitled: “Chaos in Circuits and Systems,” World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science, Series B – vol. 11 to appear in summer 2002 (
  • Guanrong Chen, Xinghuo Yu, and David John Hill, are editing a two-volume book entitled “Chaos and Bifurcation Control: Theory and Applications,” Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, Springer-Verlag, 2003.


Conferences, Workshops, Schools
The TC-NCAS members provided technical sponsorship to the following events:

  • First Asia-Pacific Workshop in Chaos Control and synchronization (organized and chaired by G. R. Chen), Shanghai, China, June 28-29, 2001.
  • 2001 Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems (NDES’01), Delft University of Technology, June 21 – 23, 2001.
  • Fifteenth European Conference on Circuit Theory and Design (ECCTD’01), Helsinki University of Technology, Espoo, Finland, 28-31 August 2001.
  • 2001 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications (NOLTA’01), Miyagi Zao Royal Hotel, Miyagi, Japan, October 28 – November 1, 2001.
  • Second International Symposium on Intelligent and Complex Systems (ISICS’01) Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China Three-Gorge Yantze River Cruise, October 17-21, 2001.
  • Winter School on: “Nonlinear Phenomena in Communication Networks,” (organized by G. M. Maggio and L.Kocarev) held at UCSD January 13-16, 2002. The presentations are available online at:
  • 2002 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS’02), Scottsdale Princess Resort, May 26-29, 2002.
  • The International Conference on Communications, Circuits and Systems & West Sino-Expo 2002 (ICCCAS & WeSino Expo’02) that will be held in Chengdu City, capital of Sichuan Province, China, June 26-28, 2002.


Special Sessions/Tutorials organized:

  • ISCAS’01: Special Session on “Applications of Chaos to Communication Systems,” Organizers: G.M. Maggio and G. Kolumban.
  • ISCAS’01: Tutorial Session on “Statistical Approach to Discrete-time Chaotic Systems,” Organizers and Speakers: G. Setti, G. Mazzini and R. Rovatti.
  • ECCTD’01: Tutorial on “Application of Chaos – State of the Art,” Organizer: M. Ogorzalek, Speakers: M. Delgado, G. Setti, and V. Porra.
  • ECCTD’01: Tutorial on “Design Principles of Chaotic Oscillators,” Organizer: E. Lindberg, Speakers: M. Delgado and E. Lindberg.
  • ECCTD’01: Special Session on “Analogic Wave Algorithms,” Organizers: T. Roska, C. Rekeczky, and M. Gilli.
  • ECCTD’01: Special Session on “Nonlinear Circuits in Communication Systems (NCCS),” Organizers: W. Mathis and O. Feely.
  • ECCTD’01: Special Session on “Applications of Chaos I and II,” Organizers: M. Ogorzalek and P. Kennedy.
  • ISCAS’02 Special Session on “Statistical Methodologies for Nonlinear Signal Processing,” Organizers: G. Setti, R. Rovatti, and G. Mazzini.


WWW Site and Mailing List

  • The NCAS TC WWW page: contains TC news, TC meeting minutes, conference reports, useful information regarding past and future conferences, and links to other sites of interest.
  • We continue to maintain the majordomo list (automatic mailing system) for the NCAS Technical Committee members and guests. The list is private and supports geographically diverse membership. It currently consists of 68 subscribing members. The NCAS TC email address is: (Click to show email). The members can subscribe and unsubscribe by sending e-mail to (Click to show email) or (Click to show email).


TC-NCAS OFFICERS (Term ending at ISCAS 2002)Gianluca SETTI, Chair
((Click to show email))

Leonid GOLDGEISSER, Chair-Elect
((Click to show email))

Gian Mario MAGGIO, Secretary
((Click to show email))

Yoshifumi NISHIO, Track Chair for NCAS at ISCAS 2002
((Click to show email))

Guanrong (Ron) CHEN, Past-Chair
((Click to show email))

Prepared by: G. R. Chen, L. Goldgeisser, G. M. Maggio, G. Setti, and Lj. Trajkovic.