Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Technical Committee (NCAS) – ISCAS’95 Minutes (May 1995)

ISCAS 95: Seattle, WA, May 1, 1995 :

List of attendees:
Seth Chaiken, Leon O. Chua, Rui de Figueiredo, Mike Green (Chair), Martin Hasler, Ruey-Wen Liu, Shinsaku Mori (Chair-Elect), Tetsuo Nishi, Joseph A. Nossek, Maciej J. Ogorzalek (Secretary), Shinichi Oishi, Toshimichi Saito, Irwin Sandberg, Arturo Sarmiento Reyes, Mark Seidel, Mamory Tanaka, Ljiljana Trajkovic, Joos Vandewalle, Alan N. Willson, Jr., and Armen Zemanian.


Report of the TC activities during the past year (since ISCAS’94 in London):

Reports from workshops and conferences sponsored by the TC:

  • Conference in Russia organized by the Popov Society – report by Armen Zemanian
  • NDES’94, Krakow, Poland – report by Maciej Ogorzalek

Special sessions organized with support of the TC.

Current report concerning preparations for NOLTA’95, Las Vegas:
Reports by Mamoru Tanaka and Alan Willson: this conference will be held December 10 – 14, 1995. The organizers encouraged distribution of information concerning this event.

Discussion of the forthcoming events to be supported by the TC:

  • Special Sessions at ECCTD’95, Istanbul
  • NDES’95, Dublin (organizer Peter Kennedy)
  • MTNS’96 – general discussion concerning the presence of the Circuits and Systems community at this conference that during last period became a meeting of control theorists
  • Preparations for ISCAS’96, Atlanta.

Discussion concerning creation of a list/database of “Unsolved important problems in Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Theory”. 
Discussion initiated by Mike Green and Alan Willson.

Elected officers for the 1995/96 term:
Chair: Shinsaku Mori
Chair-Elect: Maciej J. Ogorzalek
Secretary: Ljiljana Trajkovic

Prepared by Maciej J. Ogorzalek, edited by Ljiljana Trajkovic.