Matías Miguez

Matías Miguez

Universidad Católica del Uruguay
IEEE Region
Region 09 (Latin America)

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Dr. Matías Miguez (IEEE member): He received his PhD in microelectronics from UNS, Argentina, in 2016, his MSc and Electrical Eng. degrees from UCU, Uruguay, in 2008 and 2005 respectively and his graduate degree in physics from UdelaR, Uruguay in 2007. He has participated since 2004 in several research and development projects in the field of microelectronics and electronics for the industry, and in the University.

Since 2005 he joined the Electrical Engineering Department at Universidad Católica del Uruguay, working in the uDIE research group ( Dr. Miguez has published more than 50 papers in international journals and scientific meetings. He is the co-founder of two technology companies: Chipmate in 2009 ( aimed at the design of application specific integrated circuits for medical devices and others, and ABM ( in 2018 for electronic and hardware design. Dr. Miguez participated in design and consultancy in the field of electronics for companies in Uruguay, Brazil, Belgium and India including the development of embedded electronics medical devices. He is an IEEE Member, and a researcher of Uruguay National Research Council. He is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on AgriFood Electronics

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