
2024 IEEE 67th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems

Geographic Location
Springfield, MA, US
IEEE Region
Region 01 (Northeastern U.S.)
Springfield, MA

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Welcome to Springfield Western Mass! We’re a region of discovery and innovation with one-of-a-kind attractions and cultural events like no other.  This is where Dr. Seuss dreamed of a Cat in the Hat.  From historic New England villages to literary legacies, white water rapids to outlet shops, we’ve got what it takes to make you say, “Wow”. Western Mass is the birthplace of basketball, volleyball and Yankee Candles.  We’re the site of the nation’s first arsenal, the only six-state fair, and home to Six Flags, New England’s largest theme and Water Park. We’re a region of firsts! 

The 2024 IEEE 67th International Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS) is the North American flagship conference of the IEEE Circuits and Systems (CAS) Society. The theme for MWSCAS 2024 is “Driving the future of Integrated Microelectronics: Analog, Digital & Photonics to address global societal needs”

The conference will include oral and poster sessions, student paper contest, special sessions and tutorials given by experts in circuits and systems topics. and special sessions.

July 9: Early Registration and Hotel conference rate reservation deadline.

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