CASS-Wide Webinar XIV: When Computer Vision Meets IC Fabrication: Data-driven Modeling from IC Layout to Die Photo
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When Computer Vision Meets IC Fabrication: Data-driven Modeling from IC Layout to Die Photo
Traditionally, after ID circuit design and layout, it takes months to fabricate an IC wafer, involving a multiple-step sequence of photolithographic and chemical etch processing, which can significantly deform the layout patterns and is too complex to model mathematically. Usually we cannot identify defects (e.g., broken wires and short circuits) of metal wires due to deformations of IC circuit shape caused by a fabrication process until capturing the scanning electron microscope (SEM) images of fabricated IC wafers, making the circuit design and verification very costly and time-consuming. To address the above problem, there are three essential concerns in terms of IC design for manufacturability (DfM): (1) How to predict the manufactured IC circuit shape from an IC layout so as to assess the layout quality accordingly in a pre-simulation process; (2) How to automatically optimize photomask patterns so that the manufactured IC circuit shape can match the desired patterns as close as possible; (3) How to efficiently update the learned prediction models by detecting and learning from novel layout patterns. In this talk, we will show how learning-based computer vision can effectively and efficiently address the above three issues and help improve IC DfM.
This talk will take place on 29 November 2023 at 8:00 AM EST (-5:00 UTC) and features a talk by Prof. Chia-Wen Lin, from the Department of Electrical Engineering at the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). The talk is titled "Global Semiconductor Initiative in the IEEE Future Directions".
Registration for this series is entirely free and will be limited to the first 1,000 registrants per event. If you cannot register, you can also attend the webinar via LinkedIn Live. Following the webinar, the recording will be available on the CASS Resource Center and as a lesson in the CASS Microlearning (CASS MiLe) e-learning platform. In CASS MiLe, interested practitioners can learn through short didactic units (micro-lessons) with practical questions, and upon lesson completion, learners receive digital badges/certificates.
Speaker Biography
Prof. Chia-Wen Lin is currently a Professor with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan. Japan. He also serves as Deputy Director of the AI Research Center of NTHU. He is currently a Visiting Professor at the Graduate School of Informatics, Informatics, Kyoto University from July 2023 to December 2023. He served as Visiting Professor at Nagoya University and National Institute of Informatics, Japan, in 2019 and 2015, respectively. His research interests include image/video processing, computer vision, and video networking.
Dr. Lin is an IEEE Fellow, and has been serving on IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS) Fellow Evaluating Committee from 2021-2023. He serves as an IEEE CASS BoG member-at-large from 2022 to 2024. He was the Steering Committee Chair of IEEE ICME (2020-2021), IEEE CASS Distinguished Lecturer (2018-2019), and President of the Chinese Image Processing and Pattern Recognition (IPPR) Association, Taiwan (2019-2020). He has served as Associate Editor of IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, and IEEE Multimedia. He served as TPC Chair of IEEE ICME in 2010 and IEEE ICIP in 2019, and the Conference Chair of IEEE VCIP in 2018.