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Special Issue on Reliability Enhancement and Smarter Sensing for Emerging Interacting Dynamics in High Renewable Penetrated Power System

JETCAS Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2022
2 years 10 months ago
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Special Issue on Reliability Enhancement and Smarter Sensing for Emerging Interacting Dynamics in High Renewable Penetrated Power System
JETCAS Volume 12, Issue 1, March 2022

Dear IEEE JETCAS Readers, 

The IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS) proudly published its March 2022 issue to provide a bridge among multidisciplines to enhance the reliability and sensing throughout the fundamental theory and practical design in high renewable penetrated power systems. This issue features a total of 31 high-quality, novel contributions, touching upon (1) Bottom-up modeling and stability analysis for high renewable penetrated power systems, (2) Cyber–physical top-down co-modeling and robustness for high renewable penetrated power systems, (3) Machine-learning approach for cyber–physical power systems with high penetrated renewable, and (4) New control design methodology to facilitate the high penetration of renewable energy. We hope you enjoy the contents of this special issue. 

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The JETCAS Editorial Team