IEEE CASS 75th Anniversary Celebrations at Education Society Symposium 2024

Geographic Location
Pune, Maharastra, India
IEEE Region
Region 10 (Asia and Pacific)

Event Menu


IEEE CASS 75th Anniversary Celebrations at Education Society Symposium 2024 Celebrating 75 years of IEEE CASS (IEEE Circuits and Systems Society) is a significant milestone in the realm of electrical engineering and computer science. The Education Society Symposium held in 2024 must have been an exciting event, likely filled with retrospectives on the advancements made in the field over the years and discussions about the future directions of research and education.

Such celebrations often feature keynote speeches from prominent figures in the field, panel discussions on current trends and challenges, paper presentations showcasing the latest research, and networking opportunities for professionals, academics, and students alike.

It's wonderful to see organizations like IEEE recognizing the contributions of their members and the impact their work has had on society. These events not only serve as a platform for knowledge exchange but also foster a sense of community among researchers and practitioners.