Optoelectronic Interfaces for Integrated Silicon Photonics: A workshop on bridging photonic and electronic domains from the CAS perspective

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IEEE Region
Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
Optoelectronic Workshop

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You're invited to attend the virtual event "Optoelectronic interfaces for integrated photonics: A workshop on bridging photonic and electronic domains from the CAS perspective". 

Participation on-site is limited to 40 people.
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The integration of photonic devices into a single silicon chip represents a dramatic reduction of component costs, system footprint and power consumption of photonic circuits. This brings high density integration, mature fabrication and compatibility with CMOS microelectronics to photonic systems. There are many components available in integrated silicon photonic platforms: like low-loss optical paths and waveguides, high-speed modulators, light switches and adjustable filters, etc. Some other components, like lasers and detectors at 1550nm, would require hybrid integration of III-V materials.

Many applications can benefit from these relatively low cost and massive fabrication of photonic integrated circuits (PIC), for instance: ultra-high-speed communications, range detection for autonomous moving platforms, photonic-enhanced computing and quantum information processing. But in order to maximize integration, optoelectronic interfaces are needed to establish an effective and precise communication between optical and electrical domains. This is where circuits and systems have a central role. At the front-end, drivers and signal accommodation circuits are needed to operate lasers and detectors. Beyond that, demodulation circuitry, timestamping, high-speed ADCs, are needed in the different application scenarios.

Spain is prioritizing PIC design and manufacturing in its contribution to the European Chip Act. Integrated photonics has become a key component of industry 4.0, given its role in 5G and fiber optic communications, additive manufacturing and other digital tools. In addition to this, the country's major manufacturing industries, agri-food and automotive, make intensive use of microelectronic and photonic devices, whether for visual or multispectral inspection or for the integration of intelligence in their products. This workshop is aimed to address these challenges and counts on the participation of experts from industry and academia that will share their experience in the field.


9:30 Introduction

  • Teresa Serrano (IMSE) 

  • Antonio Acosta (IMSE)

  • Paula López (CiTIUS-USC) 

  • Manuel Delgado-Restituto (CASS, IMSE)

  • Adriá Bofill (IMASENIC, AESEMI)

10:00 Technical talks

  • Guillermo Da Silva (KD)
    Multi-gigabit Optical Transceivers: the front-end IC design and its challenges
  • Johan Rothman (CEA-Leti)
    HgCdTe APDs for meso-photonic detection in free space and integrated photonic applications

(Coffee break)

  • Eduardo Margallo (Ommatidia)
    Semi-automatic micro-assembly technology for 1024-channel FMCW LiDAR based on silicon photonics
  • Jana Nieder (INL)
    Development and application of advanced bioimaging and sensing technologies
  • Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez (IMSE)
    From Photons to The Extraction of Data and Information of Images
  • Carlos Rivera (Waptel)
    Electro-optical modulators based on III-V semiconductors for practical applications

14:00 Networking cocktail

15:00 Expert panel: 
          Transference and collaboration in the development of optoelectronics and photonics

16:30 Wrap-up and farewell