Nonlinear Circuits and Systems Technical Committee (NCAS) – ISCAS’06 Minutes (May 2006)

ISCAS 2006, May 24th, 2006, Kos, Greece

Vera Bajovic
Mario di Bernardo
Tetsuro Endo
Zbigniew Galias
Izzet Cem Goknar
Leonid Goldgeisser
Giuseppe Grassi
Takashi Hisakado
Michael Peter Kennedy
Anthony J. Lawrence
Gian Mario Maggio
S. Moro
Yoshifumi Nishio (Past-Chair)
Toshimichi Saito (Chair-Elect)
Hiroo Sekiya
Gianluca Setti
Ljiljana Trajkovic
C.K. (Michael) Tse (Track Chair for NCAS at ISCAS 2006)
Tetsushi Ueta
Joos Vandewalle (Chair)
Kiyotaka Yammamura
Wei Xing Zheng

A G E N D A 
1. Adoption of the agenda
2. Chair’s and officers report regarding the TC-NCAS past year’s activities (2005-06)
3. Technical activities promotion: forthcoming workshops, special sessions, special issues, technical publications, etc.
4. Status maintenance of the TC-NCAS Web page and the mailing-list
5. Information and discussion from the meeting of the TC Chairs
6 Expert Now IEEE online learning modules
7. Discussion on the role of the TCs in the IEEE-CAS Society
8. Election of new TC-NCAS officers (term ending at ISCAS 2006)
9. New business

  • 1. Adoption of the agenda New business: new members 
  • 2. Annual report 2004-2005: add to the report sessions at NOLTA 2006 and special session at CDC (M. di Bernardo). Updated report to be sent to Joos Vandewalle. 
  • 3. Technical activities: Gianluca Setti reported on the status of NOLTA 2006 (September 11-14, 2006): Paper submission is closed; the review process is being completed; there are approximately 200 regular papers an 22/23 special sessions (with 5 to 6 papers) leading to approx. 300-320 papers; overall, considered good for NOLTA. Student work in progress sessions. Four keynote speakers.
    Ljiljana Trajkovic reported regarding two workshops to be held in Vancouver:
    – International Workshop on Complex Systems and Networks, IWCSN2006
    – Tesla Day at SFU 2006, Celebration of 150 since the birth of Nikola Tesla. 
  • 4. Mailing List: Removing dormant members from the mailing list. Note: IEEE prohibits using TC email aliases for lobbying in election. No improvement needed for the Web page. 
  • 5. VP Technical Activities initiative: Advances in Circuits and Systems: Joos Vandewalle as VP TA is responsible for this action item. Yoshifumi Nishio as TC Past-Chair is responsible. Deadline for the 2 items is August and November. Seven submissions have been received (referencing other society – SSC and NN – publications). It has been suggested to refer to TCAS and ISCAS publications. 
  • 6. Expert Now IEEE (Excel): 20k$ to be budgeted. No real proposal on the table and deadline set. These are web supported tutorials, well-advertise, and also intended for industrial members. 
  • 7. Role of the TCs in the CAS Society: It seems stable. TCs are not uniformly in size. “Let many flowers blossom” but with fruitful ideas, and merge those that are less active. There are currently seventeen TCs in CAS with various level of activity and size. TC NCAS has approximately 90 members
    Michael Tse reported about the ISCAS 2006 NCAS track. 144 papers were submitted (5th track by size). An average of three reviews per papers was required. 
  • 8. TC-NCAS OFFICERS (term ending at ISCAS 2007)
    Toshimichi Saito, Chair
    Joos Vandewalle, Past-Chair
    Ljupco Kocarev, Chair-elect
    Michael Tse, Secretary
    Leonid Goldgeisser, Track Chair for NCAS at ISCAS 2007 
  • 9. New members
    * Izzet Cem Goknar
    * Anthony J. Lawrence

Prepared by: Lj. Trajkovic and G. Setti. (A copy of these minutes will be posted on the TCNCAS Web site)