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Results of the Recent CASS BoG Election (2024-2026 Term)

7 months 4 weeks ago
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A ballot for the election of five members to the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Board of Governors was recently held.

The participation of the CAS Society membership that returned their ballot was 2,200. The following candidates have been elected for the three-year term, 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2026:

  • Pamela Abshire (Member at Large)
  • Kyung Ki Kim  (Member at Large)
  • Yoko Uwate (Member at Large)
  • Jennifer Blain Christen (Regions 1-7 Regional Member at Large)
  • Carlos Silva-Cardenas (Region 9 Regional Member at Large)

We wish the newly elected members of the Board of Governors success and thank all candidates for their willingness to serve and for permitting their names to be included on the ballot.