Special Issue on Cross-Layer Designs, Methodologies, and Systems to Enable Micro AI for On-Device Intelligence
Special Issue on Circuits and Systems for Cross-Layer Designs, Methodologies, and Systems to Enable Micro AI for On-Device Intelligence
JETCAS Volume 11, Issue 4, December 2021
Dear IEEE JETCAS Readers,
The IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems (JETCAS) proudly published its December 2021 issue to investigate the latest research in the domain of cross-layer design approaches including algorithms, architectures, hardware, and system integration for micro-intelligent systems processing. This issue features a total of 24 high-quality, novel contributions, touching upon AI model design, hardware design methodologies, memory hierarchy and data movement, flexibility and reliability. We hope you enjoy the contents of this special issue.
Remember that you can find the latest news of JETCAS in our LinkedIn page.
Best Regards,
An-Yeu (Andy) Wu (Editor-in-Chief)
Ho Ching (Herbert) Iu (Associate Editor-in-Chief)
Wen-Hsiao Peng (Associate Editor-in-Chief for Digital Communications)