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Developing pulsed wave instruments for renewable biofuel and therapeutic applications


Jie Chen

University of Alberta

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The applicant was one of the pioneers to propose Low-intensity Pulsed Ultrasound (LIPUS) for biomedical applications. His groundbreaking work in dental tissue formation has been listed in Wikipedia, quote “Researchers at the University of Alberta have used LIPUS to gently massage teeth roots and jawbones to cause growth or regrowth.” Reader’s Digest Magazine also reported his work and listed it as one of the major medical breakthroughs in Canada. A U.S. Patent “Ultrasound Stimulation Devices and Techniques” was granted in Nov. 2011. A student from his institute licensed the technology and created a university spin-off company in 2008. The company received venture capital investments and the ultrasound device is now in Clinical Phase II trials. Over 20 news media outlets worldwide also reported on the invention. In this talk, he will present the molecular mechanism of how LIPUS works. He will also present his current research on using LIPUS to increase renewable biofuel production and treat depression.