TCAS-II Publications

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Most Cited Articles Published in the Last Five Years

Last Updated: January 22, 2020
Shahar Kvatinsky ; Misbah Ramadan ; Eby G. Friedman ; Avinoam Kolodny
Publication Year: 2015, Page(s): 786 - 790
Cited by 237
Viet-Thanh Pham ; Sajad Jafari ; Christos Volos ; Aggelos Giakoumis ; Sundarapandian Vaidyanathan ; Tomasz Kapitaniak
Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 878 - 882
Cited by 109
Yuanshi Zheng ; Long Wang
Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 314 - 318
Cited by 99
Junkang Ni ; Ling Liu ; Chongxin Liu ; Xiaoyu Hu ; Shilei Li
Publication Year: 2017, Page(s): 151 - 155
Cited by 98
G. Kaddoum ; E. Soujeri ; C. Arcila ; K. Eshteiwi
Publication Year: 2015, Page(s): 901 - 905
Cited by 84
G. Kaddoum ; E. Soujeri
Publication Year: 2016, Page(s): 648 - 652
Cited by 76 

Past Special Issues from IEEE Conferences 

Authors of selected accepted ISCAS2021 papers will be invited to submit a paper for possible publication either in TCAS-II. 

Invitations will be made by a team of Guest Associate Editors on the basis of the timeliness and quality of technical results presented, the outcome of the review process and the recommendations of the Review Committee Members (RCMs) and Track Chairs (TCs) who were involved in the review process itself.

Authors of the selected papers will receive, together with the notification of acceptance for ISCAS2021, an invitation and detailed instructions on how to submit a manuscript derived from their ISCAS paper to the Scholar One website for one of the participating journals. For invitations to TCAS-II (Brief format), the new manuscript shall be a minor revision of the ISCAS paper (the maximum length of a TCAS-II Brief is five pages only).
IEEE ISICAS 2021 Special Issue – A CAS Journal Track Symposium 
The IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Circuits and Systems (ISICAS) invites high-quality submissions for presenting original works in the areas of integrated circuits and systems. Topics in the areas of analog, digital, power, energy, biomedical, sensor interfaces, and communication systems are welcome. The submissions must describe integrated implementations, in hybrid, SiP, or SoC forms of circuits or systems with experimental results. Manuscripts not compliant with the above requirements (for instance, purely theoretical works or papers supported by simulation results only or manuscripts describing circuital implementations at discrete level) will not be reviewed and will be returned to the authors. 
The Symposium will not produce proceedings as all the accepted papers will be published in Special Issues of the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – Part I (TCAS-I), IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems – Part II (TCAS-II), IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems (TBioCAS), and the IEEE Open Journal of Circuits and Systems (OJCAS) shortly after the results are presented at IEEE ISICAS 2021. 
Prospective authors should submit their manuscripts either to TCAS-I, TCAS-II, TBioCAS, or OJCAS. All submitted manuscripts will be subject to the standard review process of the corresponding journal and must be prepared following the respective instructions for authors. Refer to the Information for Authors page of the respective journal for further details. The authors of the Accepted manuscripts, and those subject to (straightforward) Minor Revision at the time the IEEE ISICAS 2020 Technical Program is drawn up, will be asked to present their work at the Symposium. 

IEEE-CASS Regional Flagship Conferences
Special sections will be published in 2021 based on the IEEE-CASS regional flagship conferences: NEWCAS and MWSCAS (Regions 1-7), ICECS (Region 8), LASCAS (Region 9), and APCCAS (Region 10). The first of them – LASCAS – is scheduled for February 2021, and we will continue publishing the rest of the special sections synchronized with their corresponding conferences.

View all Past Special Issues