TCSVT Manuscript Submission Guide

IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) covers the circuits and systems aspects of all video technologies. General, theoretical, and application-oriented papers with a circuits and systems perspective are encouraged for publication in TCSVT on or related to image/video acquisition, representation, presentation and display; processing, filtering and transforms; analysis and synthesis; learning and understanding; compression, transmission, communication and networking; storage, retrieval, indexing and search; and/or hardware and software design and implementation.

Submit a Manuscript

Every manuscript must:

  1. State clearly about the problem to be solved and what the contribution of the work is to the research community relevant to the transactions;
  2. state clearly why this contribution is novel;
  3. cite the published literature most closely related to the manuscript; and
  4. state what is distinctive and new about the current manuscript relative to these previously published works.

The TCSVT Editorial Board strives to publish well-written papers and important research results within TCSVT’s scope. The TRANSACTIONS accepts papers in two categories: Transactions Papers and Transactions Letters.

  1. Transactions Papers are self-contained well-written articles that provide new and significant contributions to the fields covered by the TRANSACTIONS, with coherent coverage of theoretical background, technical contributions, practical applications, and experimental results.
  2. Transactions Letters ore short well-written articles that describe new and significant contributions to the fields covered by the TRANSACTIONS, to be published in the most expeditious manner. Alternatively, Transactions Letters may comment on previously published papers.

Submission of a paper to TCSVT is permitted only if the paper has not been submitted, accepted, published, or copyrighted in another journal. Papers that have been published in conference and workshop proceedings may be submitted for consideration to TCSVT provided that: (1) the authors cite their earlier work; (2) the papers are not identical; and (3) the submitted manuscript includes novel elements (e.g., more comprehensive experiments). Furthermore, TCSVT utilizes the CrossRef Similarity Check tool on the IEEE Author Portal site ( to objectively measure the similarity of the submitted manuscripts with any previously published papers. The overall similarity index percentage cannot exceed 30% for original paper submissions, or 50% for expanded paper submissions of previously published articles in conference or workshop proceedings. Any submissions that exceed these thresholds respectively will be returned to the authors immediately for further revisions. TCSVT does not accept the resubmission of a previously rejected manuscript submitted to TCSVT or other journals due to the lack of technical merit, except that the previous decision was “reject and invite to resubmit.”

Information on Manuscript Submissions and Transaction Paper submissions can be found below:

Submission of a Manuscript

Submission of a Transactions Paper and Letter