SS Charter

1. Preamble

The Sensory Systems Technical Committee (SSTC or the Committee or the TC) is a Technical Committee of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS or the Society). As a subsidiary committee of IEEE CASS, the SSTC is governed by the rules and regulations of the IEEE and by the Constitution and Bylaws of CASS, which take precedence over this Charter in case of conflict.

TCs are established by IEEE CASS in significant fields of interest of the Society, through its Technical Activities Division (TAD), to advance the state of knowledge and educate Society members and the general IEEE membership. To these ends, the SSTC plays a major role in creating a high quality technical program for the Society’s flagship conference, the International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS). TCs also may organize or contribute to other workshops and conferences, special sessions at conferences, and tutorial programs, and undertake other activities to help better achieve their purpose.

Further, the SSTC may act as a bridge between CASS and related IEEE Societies and Councils, and other institutions in the general area of the TC.

2. Purpose

The purpose of the SSTC is to foster research, development, education and dissemination of knowledge relating to the field of sensors and associated processing systems. The activity is multidisciplinary, drawing upon knowledge and expertise from fields such as biology, physics, mechanics and chemistry, in addition to areas more traditionally associated with the IEEE such as electrical and computer engineering, computer science and information technology.

3. Activities

The SSTC activities include:

  • Organizing that part of the technical program of ISCAS related to the SSTC field; this includes review of all papers submitted to ISCAS in tracks on topics in the field of Sensory Systems (appointing TPC Track Chairs, Review Committee Members [RCMs] and paper reviewers), and arranging Tutorials, Special Sessions, Workshops and other sessions
  • Nominating individuals for (1) Society Awards, (2) Editorial appointments, (3) Distinguished Lecturer appointments, and (4) roles as CASS representatives for Steering and other Committees arising from joint efforts with other Societies and Councils
  • Nominating papers for CASS journal Best Paper awards
  • Preparing the TC Annual Report
  • Preparing information for periodic Review of the TC by the Society
  • Maintaining the TC website
  • Reviewing and, if needed, updating the TC Vision & Mission statements at least every 5 years
  • Assessing the quality and helping to maintain/raise the quality of any CASS-sponsored conferences in the field
  • Other activities to help achieve the Purpose

4. Membership

4.1 Any CASS or IEEE member of good standing and willing to perform the duties of membership may seek to join the SSTC. Membership requires nomination by a current member and is approved by a majority of voting members either present at the Committee's Annual Meeting or by internet ballot of the membership. All new member nominees should attend the TC meeting at ISCAS and express their interest to be active members.

4.2 A member is said to be active if they participate at least once every two years in one of the following: (i) attending the TC meeting; (ii) serving as Review Committee Member or Best Paper judge for ISCAS paper submissions in the SSTC tracks; (iii) actively contribute to another activity carried out by the TC, as listed in Clause 3 Activities (a) to (i) of this Charter.

4.3 A member is said to be inactive if they have not participated in one of the aforementioned activities for two consecutive years. The Chair-Elect will email all members that appear to be inactive to verify their status and encourage them to become active. Members who do not respond or who give sufficient cause for a 2 year lack of activity yet fail to contribute for a 3rd consecutive year will automatically be removed from the Committee.

4.4 The TC will maintain and publish annually the TC Roll of Members, including email addresses, a record of attendance at the Annual Meeting and participation in activities.

5. Duties and Election of Officers

5.1 The Committee shall have five officers: Chair, Chair-Elect, Past Chair, Secretary and Secretary-Elect. Each will serve a two-year term.

5.2 The Chair, supported by the Chair-Elect, is responsible for:
(a) ensuring that the purpose of the TC is well achieved through timely and diligent execution of the activities,
(b) ensuring that the TC operates according to all other aspects of its Charter, and
(c) establishing the TC Chair as a well-known channel of communication between the TC and the CASS Board of Governors.

5.3 The Chair will preside over Committee meetings and will be responsible for all interactions with the Society. They will report on Committee activities to the CASS Board of Governors, through the CASS Vice President for Technical Activities, at least once a year, before ISCAS.

5.4 The Chair is a member of the CASS Technical Activities Division (TAD) and will attend the Annual Meeting of the TAD, normally held at the ISCAS site during or shortly before the symposium.

5.5 The Chair will oversee all activities of the TC, calling on assistance from the Chair-Elect and other members as necessary, and will be responsible in particular for: chairing the ISCAS Sensory Systems Track; soliciting and making the TC’s nominations of individuals for awards, editorial appointments, Distinguished Lecturer and CASS representative roles; soliciting and making the TC’s nominations for Best Paper Awards; preparing the TC Annual Report; preparing material for and participating in periodic TC Reviews; and maintaining the TC vision and mission; i.e. for aforementioned Clause 3 Activities (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g).

5.6 The Chair-Elect will assist the Chair as necessary in conducting the business of the Committee. They will participate in the TC Review meeting, and co-chair the ISCAS Sensory Systems Track. They will be responsible in particular for: maintaining/raising the quality of CASS-sponsored conferences in the TC field, and other activities undertaken by the TC; i.e. for aforementioned Clause 3 Activities (h) and (i).

5.7 The Secretary will be responsible for recording meeting minutes and their expeditious posting on the TC website. The Secretary will assist the Chair in the preparation of the TC Annual Report and will attend to membership issues including maintaining the member roll of the TC. They will be responsible for ensuring the TC web site is maintained, i.e. for aforementioned Clause 3 Activity (f).

5.8 The Secretary-Elect will assist the Secretary in their duties.

5.9 The Past Chair will advise the Chair in transacting the business of the committee. The Past Chair assumes his/her position immediately after the ISCAS following their two-year term as Chair. 

5.10 The Chair is normally not directly elected and is filled by transition of the Chair-Elect at the end of their two-year term. An out-of-sequence election for the Chair can be held should the Chair-Elect be unable to assume the role of Chair.

5.11 The Chair-Elect is elected by the Committee members and must be a member of the Committee. They will serve a two-year term as Chair-Elect commencing immediately after the ISCAS of their election. At the end of their term the Chair-Elect will become the Chair.

5.12 Chair-Elect nominations can be made by any Member of the TC. Any nominations must be received by the Chair three weeks before the general TC meeting.

5.13 The Secretary is normally not directly elected and is filled by transition of the Secretary-Elect at the end of their two-year term. An out-of-sequence election for the Secretary can be held should the Secretary-Elect be unable to assume the role of Secretary.

5.14 The Secretary-Elect is elected by the Committee members and must be a member of the Committee. They will serve a two-year term as Secretary-Elect commencing immediately after the ISCAS of their election. At the end of their term the Secretary-Elect will become the Secretary. The nominations for Secretary-Elect can be made by any Member of the TC and must be received by the Chair two weeks before the general TC meeting.

6. Meetings and Conduct of Business

6.1 Business relevant to this Charter may be conducted at meetings or by ballot via the internet. Meetings may be held in-person, typically at a conference, or by electronic means. 

  • A meeting quorum is Ceiling function of one third of the TC members attending the meeting.
  • A minimum of two weeks notice of any Motions shall be provided to voting members prior to the close of voting to allow members to consider the issues, except for matters arising at or immediately before the TC meeting, or as otherwise provided in Clause 7 of this Charter.
  • A majority of the legal votes cast by the TC members attending a meeting with a quorum is necessary to approve a Motion, except as otherwise provided in Clause 7 of this Charter.
  • For internet ballots, voting by a minimum of one-half of the TC members is a valid ballot.
  • If a quorum is not reached, tentative actions may be taken which will become effective after subsequent ratification, either by internet ballot or at a subsequent meeting.

6.3 The Committee Annual Meeting shall be held at ISCAS. Any CASS or IEEE member is allowed to attend this Annual Meeting as an observer; the Chair may invite other observers to attend and speak.

6.4 At the Annual Meeting,

  • An agenda is circulated prior to the meeting
  • The Chair will present an annual report on membership, activities, and progress on achieving the TC vision and mission
  • TC members will vote to elect new Members and new Officers if any
  • The members may discuss any other business relevant to the TC Charter
  • The members may vote on Motions provided the required notice periods are met; a quorum is needed to resolve any Motions at the meeting

6.5 Outside of the meetings, the Officers can, upon a majority vote (provided that at least one of the Officers has to be the Chair or Chair-Elect), undertake unplanned business on behalf of the TC, provided that these activities do not require formal committee approval and that they be reported to the TC at the next meeting.

7. Charter Amendments

7.1 Any charter amendment, including closing the SSTC, can be considered at a meeting provided that the Chair and Chair-Elect have been notified at least one month prior to the Meeting. Approval by the Officers is not necessary, but notification is required. An approved amendment will take effect the day following the conclusion of the ISCAS meeting when it has been approved.

7.2 Motions to Amend the Charter and to Close (i.e. shut down) the TC have special conditions to be consistent with CASS and IEEE rules.  The conditions for such ballots at a meeting and by internet ballot differ:

(a) Internet Ballot: voting by a minimum of one half of the TC members is a valid ballot; a two-thirds majority is required to pass the Motion

(b) Ballot at TC Meeting: a Special Quorum of the Ceiling function of one-half of the TC members at the meeting is required; a two-thirds majority is required to pass the Motion.

Approved by SSTC members on 24.05.2016