Special Interest Group on CASS Flexible (SIG CASS Flexible)

Special Interest Group on CASS Flexible (SIG CASS Flexible) Menu


About Us: CASS Flexible (Circuits and Systems Society Flexible) is a special interest group within the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society, whose interests are Flexible Hybrid and Printed Electronics (FHPE) encompassing all aspects of the multi-disciplinary supply chains thereto but with emphasis on FHPE circuits and systems.

Vision: CASS Flexible coordinates, harmonizes and facilitates interests in all aspects of Flexible Hybrid and Printed Electronics (FHPE), including theoretical and applied/practical circuits and systems design and contemporary and emerging circuits and systems, and co-design and co-optimization between the different multi-disciplinary supply chains of FHPE. CASS Flexible also identifies key technological trends, research, develops and translates circuits and systems from fundamental/theoretical engineering science to final and innovative FHPE end-products.

Mission: To be recognized as a major special interest group in the global Flexible Hybrid and Printed Electronics (FHPE) eco-system, including academia and industry, particularly for key contributions towards technological innovation and excellence to FHPE circuits and systems.

Committee Roster
