CASS Educational Resources and Opportunities

Visit the CASS Educational Insitute 

CASS-Wide Webinar Program

The IEEE CAS Society strives to serve our members' different needs and interests. The new CASS-Wide Webinar Program delivers high-quality talks on the field of interest of the circuit and systems community.

As part of the CAS Society’s plan for image enhancement through continuous education, the aim of the CASS-Wide Webinar Program is to:

1. Feature prominent CASS researchers of multidisciplinary nature.
2. Connect students and early career professionals with prominent CASS researchers and authors.
3. Promote and preserve CAS knowledge, and enrich the current educational portfolio of the Society.
4. Enhance the visibility of the IEEE CAS Society.

CASS-Wide Webinar Program

Distinguished Lecturer Program

CASS maintains a Distinguished Lecturers Program (DLP) under the Education and Communications Division. The DLP is managed by the DLP Chair. The formal term of appointment of a Distinguished Lecturer (DL) shall be for two calendar years. The goal of the CASS DLP is for Distinguished Lecturers to give a target of minimum 2 lectures per year at the invitation of local CASS Chapter Chairs. Inviting a Distinguished Lecturer.

Distinguished Lecturer Program

CASS Microlearning (CASS MiLe)

CASS Microlearning is dedicated to empowering and equipping IEEE members and lifelong learners with an engaging and satisfying educational experience through the provision of competency-based microlearning on an e-learning platform. CASS Microlearning strives to become a globally-recognised leader in providing and advancing knowledge in Circuits and Systems framed in a multidisciplinary context to a diverse technical audience.

Enhance your skills with best Online Courses. Start Online Learning Now. 

CASS Microlearning (CASs MiLe)

IEEE CASS Resource Center

The IEEE CASS Resource Center is designed to cater to the needs of engineers, researchers, educators, and students alike. We believe that knowledge should be accessible to everyone, and we are committed to making sure that you have access to the latest and greatest information in the field. 

Whether you're interested in learning about circuit design, analog electronics, signal processing, or any other related topic, our video library has something for everyone. We also offer a variety of tools and resources to help you advance your career and stay on top of the latest developments in the industry.

The IEEE CASS Resource Center is completely free! You will have access to a wide range of informative and engaging videos on various topics related to Circuits and Systems. Come and explore our resource center today and start taking advantage of all that it has to offer. We are confident that you will find our videos to be informative, engaging, and valuable.

Visit the IEEE CASS Resource Center