United States of America
Rajiv Joshi
Rajiv Joshi
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IEEE CASS Position History:
- Present Member (Job Marketplace Committee)
- 2025-Present Vice President - Industry (Executive Committee)
- 2025-Present Vice President - Industry ( Industry Division)
- 2024-Present Nanotechnology Council (Representatives to other IEEE Entities)
- 2022-Present Associate Editor (IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems Part I: Regular Papers (TCAS-I) Editorial Board)
- 2022-Present Associate Editor TVLSI (IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration Systems (TVLSI) Editorial Board)
- 2022-Present Chair (Systems Council)
- 2022-Present CASS Ambassador to India (CASS Ambassadors)
- 2023-2024 Member (Conference Activities Division)
- 2022-2024 2022-2024 Member at Large (Board of Governors)
- 2020-2023 Systems Council (Representatives to other IEEE Entities)
- 2021-2021 Member (Regional Activities & Membership Division)
IEEE CASS Recognitions: