WiCAS at ICECS 2020

Inspiring Stories of Women's Success in STEM

Geographic Location
Glasgow, Scotland
IEEE Region
Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)

Event Menu


A "Women in Circuits and Systems” (WiCAS) event and a “Young Professionals” (YP) event took place during the 27th IEEE International Conference on Electronics Circuits and Systems (ICECS), the flagship conference for the Region 8 of the IEEE Circuits and Systems Society (CASS). The WiCAS events traditionally aim to inspire and motivate both students and young professionals in the domain of circuits and systems to have efficient roles in their professions, by meeting successful female engineers and professors, through interesting technical and professional talks in fields of interest of CASS. The YP events usually include start-ups presentation, posters, and demo sessions, aiming to provide a thrilling environment for early career researchers to present their work. By joining this event, young professionals have the opportunity to learn about state-of-the-art and most advanced activities in the area of circuits and systems, meet and interact with their peers, and receive feedback from internationally well-known experts in the CASS domain from both academia and industry.