Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems (Nano-Giga)

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The Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems Technical Committee (Nano-Giga TC) is a Technical Committee of the Circuits and Systems (IEEE-CAS) Society. The Nano-Giga TC is a subsidiary organization of the IEEE-CAS Society and it is governed by the rules and regulations of the IEEE and by the constitution and bylaws of IEEE-CAS, which take precedence over these bylaws in case of conflict.

The Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems Technical Committee’s goal is to promote and excel in the areas of Nanoelectronics and giga-scale systems for the circuits and systems research/design community.

Scope and Mission

With vast amounts of research and development from high-tech industry and strong demands from personal computers, cellular phones, and Internet, the silicon semiconductor technology continues its marvelous progress into the nanometer regime. It is a great challenge to integrate hundreds of millions and billions of silicon nano-devices into giga-scale micro-systems. There exist significant challenges in using nano-structures/ nano-devices to form nanoelectronic integration systems. With the exciting opportunities, research on Nanoelectronics and that on giga-scale systems are tightly coupled together. To promote and excel in the areas of Nanoelectronics and giga-scale systems for circuits and systems research/design community, The Nanoelectronics and Gigascale Systems Technical Committee was organized and approved in early 2001. With the strong support of Society ExCom and BoG members, the Nano-Giga TC has been very actively participating and initiating various activities in publications, conferences, and technical activities in this fast growing profession.

Nano-Giga TC Chair

  • Country
    Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH)
    IEEE Region
    Region 08 (Africa, Europe, Middle East)
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