Strategies, Techniques and System for powering low-maintenance and maintenance-free Wireless Sensor Nodes
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In the swiftly evolving Internet of Things (IoT), wireless sensor network integration is pivotal to realizing a connected ecosystem. Market analysts forecast a monumental milestone of one trillion IoT devices by 2035. This growth is mirrored in the smart sensor market, which is projected to expand from $36.6 billion in 2020 to $87.6 billion by 2025, at a Compound An- nual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 19.0%. Simultaneously, the energy harvesting systems market is expected to grow from $440.39 million in 2019 to $817.2 million by 2025, with a CAGR of 10.91%.
The challenge of powering such a vast array of IoT devices is daunting, considering the reliance on batteries and the associated maintenance and environmental costs. To illustrate, powering a trillion-node network would necessitate the daily replacement of 274 million batteries, even under the assumption of a ten-year battery lifespan.
This lecture delves into the forefront of research and development in energy-autonomous systems, presenting innovative strategies and techniques that eliminate the need for batteries in electronic devices. The focus will be on the latest advancements in circuits and systems for wireless sensor nodes, aiming for sustainability with minimal or no maintenance requirements. The discussion will highlight the transformative potential of these technologies in achieving a self-sustaining IoT infrastructure, aligning with the goals of environmental sustainability and operational efficiency, and charting a course for the future of smart sensor applications.
Join us as we explore the intersection of innovation and practicality, paving the way for the next generation of energy-independent IoT devices within the IEEE CASS community.