BioCAS Officers & Members
Dr. Bo Zhao | Electronics Zhejiang University - China Research Interests: Miniature radios, wireless power transfer, and wearable/implantable radios. |
Nicole McFarlane | University of Tenessee Knoxville - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Mixed signal circuit design, Biotechnology and bio-sensor design particularly for lab-on-chip applications, Noise theory for electronic systems, Energy and power trade-offs in mixed signal circuit design in particular studying the channel capacity of analog circuits, Microfabrication and development of devices |
Roland Thewes | Technical University Berlin E-mail: (Click to show email) |
Massimo Alioto | National University of Singapore E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: ultra-low power VLSI circuits, sub-uW integrated systems |
Abbes Amira | De Montfort University E-mail: (Click to show email) |
Andreas G. Andreou | Johns Hopkins University E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: sensory communication, engineering devices for the life sciences, bio-imaging, implantable electronics (vestibular prosthesis), computational medicine, bio-acoustics, heart-acoustics |
Mohamed Atef | Electrical Engineering (COE) E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Biomedical Circuits and Systems, Integrated Circuits, Integrated Optical tranceivers, Optoelectronics |
Arindam Basu | Nanyang Technological University E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Neuromorphic circuits for Machine Learning, Spike based processing, Dynamical Systems, Mixed-signal circuits for Neural Interfacing, Floating-gate |
Amine Bermak | Education City Student Center, Ar Rayyan - Qatar E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area:"IC design and VLSI Systems, IC design for signal and image processing, Smart image, olfactory and temperature sensors, E-Nose Microsystems, Circuits and systems for energy harvesting, Sensors for environmental and biomedical applications" |
Sandro Carrara | École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Bio/CMOS co-design, analog bio-medical circuits, nanotech |
Gert Cauwenberghs | University of California, San Diego E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Biomedical integrated circuits and systems, micropower analog VLSI, neuromorphic engineering, computational and systems neuroscience, neuron-silicon and brain-machine interfaces, adaptive neural computation, learning and intelligent systems. |
Hong Chen | Tsinghua University, Beijing - China E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: ultra-low-power circuits and systems, including sub-threshold circuits, near-threshold circuits, asynchronous circuits, asynchronous CNN accelerators design, data fusion based on multi-sensor, and low power baseband circuits for low power monitoring system |
Jie Chen | University of Alberta - Canada E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: (i) Developing pulsed wave technology platform for tissue engineering, cell therapy and biofuel. (ii) Designing portable impedance-based point-of-care sensing device and micro-fabricating microfluidic sample purification unit for disease diagnosis. (iii) Building functional nanomaterials for targeted cancer imaging and treatment, in-vivo gene/peptide/microRNA delivery. |
Pau-Choo (Julia) Chung | National Cheng Kung University - Taiwan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Pattern recognition, image analysis, ambient assisted system |
Elisabetta Chicca | Bielefeld University - Germany E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Neuromorphic Engineering, Spiking Neural Networks, Event-driven learning, Memristors |
Timothy Constandinou | Imperial College London Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology, South Kensington Campus - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: implantable neural prosthetics, brain-machine interfaces, wireless capsule endoscopy, integrated biomedical microsystems |
Timir Datta-Chaudhuri | Northwell Health - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: brain-machine interfaces, lab-on-a-chip, cell-based sensing, biosensors, microsystem design and packaging, mixed-signal integrated circuit design, adaptive analog circuits, and neuromorphic engineering. |
Danilo Demarchi | Politecnico di Torino - Italy E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Micro&Nano Systems, ReadOut Circuits for Sensing, UWB Communications |
Andreas Demosthenous | University College London - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Neuroprosthetic implanted devices (recording, stimulation, telemetry), circuits and systems for medical instrumentation, microsystems, mixed-signal integrated circuits |
Elisa Donati | University of Zurich - Switzerland E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Neuromorphic Engineering,Biomedical signals,Robotics,Insect Ecology |
Ibrahim Elfadel | College Of Engineering, Abu Dhabi Campus - UAE E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: "Cyber Physical Systems, Cloud and Edge Computing, IoT Platform Prototyping, Embedded Digital Signal ,Processing Computer-Aided Design for VLSI, MEMS, and Photonics 3D Integrated Circuits, Micro Power Sources" |
Wai-Chi (Winston) Fang, Ph.D. | National Chiao Tung University - Taiwan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: integrated nano/microsystems for space applications, advanced avionics for future space missions, VLSI neural networks and intelligent systems, multimedia signal processing and communication, intelligent electronics and system-on-chip design for biomedical applications |
Alexander Fish | Bar Ilan University - Israel E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Energy Efficient, High Performance and Secured Integrated Circuits and Systems |
Dr. Julius Georgiou | University of Cyprus - Cyprus E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Bio-medical circuits and systems, bio-inspired electronic systems, low-power analog ASICs, sensors and related systems, asynchronous-digital ASICs and implantable electronics |
Pantelis Georgiou | Imperial College London Centre for Bio-inspired Technology, South Kensington Campus - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Bio-inspired / mixed signal biomedical circuits and systems, lab-on-chip technologies, integrated sensing systems, medical devices for treatment of diabetes. |
Sara Ghoreishizadeh | Institute of Orthopaedics and Musculoskeletal Sciences, University College London - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Low-power, low-noise Integrated Circuits (IC) design, Monolithic integration of biomolecule sensors and (micro-)electronics, Co-design of sensor and instrumentation (micro-)electronics |
Maysam Ghovanloo | Bionic Sciences Inc - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Implantable Microelectronic Devices, Wireless Neural Interfacing/Neuroprostheses, Assistive Technologies and Rehabilitation Engineering, Smart Health and Wellbeing, Bio-inspired Microsystems, Low-power analog/digital/mixed-mode integrated circuits |
Vasiliki Giagka | TU Delft - Netherlands E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Biomedical electronics,Implantable devices |
Benoit Gosselin | Laval University - Canada E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Wireless microsystems for brain computer interfaces, analog/mixed-mode and RF integrated circuits for neural engineering, interface circuits of implantable sensors/actuators and point-of-care diagnostic microsystems for personalized healthcare |
Viktor Gruev | Carle Illinois School of Medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign - USA Email: (Click to show email) Research Area: polarization imaging, fluorescent imaging sensors, image guided surgery, current mode imaging sensors, nanofabrication, plasmonic optical filters |
Ulkuhan Guler | Worcester Polytechnic Institute - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Low Power Analog/Mixed Signal IC Design, Smart Health Applications, Implantables and Wearables, Neural Interfaces, Sensor Interfaces |
Bah-Hwee Gwee | School of EEE, Nanyang Technological University - Singapore E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: hearing instruments, holter (ECG) monitor, mixed-signal bio-medical circuits |
Philipp Häfliger | University of Oslo - Norway E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Wireless Sensory Micro-Implants, Neuromorphic Electronics, Low-Power Sensor Interfaces for Brain Research and Space-Probes |
Hadi Heidari | University of Glasgow - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: analogue electronics for micro-sensors, electrical bio-interfacing and medical diagnostics |
Jeremy Holleman | University of Tennessee in Knoxville - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: low-power analog VLSI, biomedical interfaces, mixed-mode signal processing, and neuromorphic engineering. |
Tsung-Yi Ho | National Tsing Hua University - Taiwan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Design automation and optimization for microfluidic biochips |
Derek Ho | City University of Hong Kong E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Sensing nanomaterials, Stretchable and Healable Electronics, Microsystems for chemical and biosensing |
Giacomo Indiveri | University of Zurich - Switzerland E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Mixed-signal spike-based learning circuits, multi-neuron event-based information processing systems, AER bio-signal processors. |
Shintaro Izumi | Kobe University - Japan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Low-power circuit, sensor network, non-contact sensing |
Dai Jiang | Dept of Electronic & Electrical Eng Faculty of Engineering Science, University College London - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Integrated Circuits,Bioelectronics,Implantable Devices,Neural Interface,Wireless power and data transfer |
Hanjun Jiang | Institute of Microelectronics, Tsinghua University - China E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Implantable medical devices and systems, wearable electronics, low power transceiver IC |
Deepu John | Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, National University of Singapore - Singapore E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Biomedical Circuits & Systems,Low power design,Signal Processing,VLSI |
Matthew Johnston | Kelley Engineering Center - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Electronic Materials and Devices, Integrated Electronics, Health Engineering |
Melpomeni (Melina) Kalofonou | Centre for Bio-Inspired Technology - London E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Liquid-biopsy diagnostics for breast cancer, Lab-on-Chip ISFET technology for detection of genetic/epigenetic markers, Computational models and machine learning for predicting drug response in cancer |
Edmund Lam | University of Hong Kong - Hong Kong E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Computational optical imaging, biophotonics |
Tor Sverre Lande | University of Oslo - Norway E-mail: (Click to show email) Field of interest: Low-power systems, biomedical electronics, RF sensors and systems |
Matthew Man-Kay Law | State-Key Laboratory of Analog and Mixed-Signal VLSI, University of Macau - China Research Area: Energy harvesting, mixed-signal bio-medical/sensing circuits and systems |
D. J. Lee | Brigham Young University - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Call for collaboration: computer vision, pattern recognition |
Shuenn-Yuh Lee | National Cheng Kung University - Taiwan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: biomedical circuits and systems for implantable and wearable devices, low-power signal acquisition systems, and wireless healthcare systems. |
Gwo Giun (Chris) Lee | National Cheng Kung University - Taiwan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Multimedia & Biomedical Signal Processing Systems, Algorithm/Architecture Co-Exploration, Algorithm, Architecture, & VLSI/SoC Design, Biomedical Signal & Image Processing |
Chung-Sheng Li E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Datacenter scale computing, software-hardware co-design |
Peter (Yong) Lian | York University - Canada E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Low voltage and low power circuit design techniques, Ultra low power wireless sensor platform, Battery-less wireless biomedical sensor |
Donald Y.C. Lie | Texas Tech University - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: : (1) power-efficient RF/Analog IC and System-on-a-Chip (SoC) design and test; and (2) interdisciplinary and clinical research on medical electronics, biosensors, and biosignal processing. |
Chin-Teng (CT) Lin | National Chiao Tung University - Taiwan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Computer Vision, Fuzzy Neural Network, Neuro-Engineering, Multimedia Signal Processing, Brain-Computer Interface |
Zhiping Lin | Nanyang Technological University - Singapore E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: multidimensional systems and signal processing, statistical and biomedical signal processing, machine learning. |
Bin-Da Liu | National Cheng Kung University, - Taiwan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: data converters, biomedical circuits and systems for home-care applications |
Xiao Liu | University College London - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Analogue and mixed-signal integrated circuit, Biomedical circuits and systems, Microelectronic sensors, Miniature devices and microsystems, Wearable technologies |
Reza Lotfi | Ferdowsi University of Mashhad - Iran ; Delft University of Technology - Netherlands E-mail: (Click to show email); (Click to show email) Research Interests: Ultra-low-power wearable and implantable biomedical devices, Signal-specific analog-to-digital converters, Analog circuit design |
Ching-Hsing (Robin) Luo | National Cheng Kung University - Taiwan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Biomedical Instrumentation Chip System Design, Scientific Assistive Devices for the Disabled, Cell Model and Molecular Simulation, Chinese Medicine Diagnosis and Theory Verification |
Nicole McFarlane | University of Tenessee Knoxville - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Mixed signal circuit design, Biotechnology and bio-sensor design particularly for lab-on-chip applications, Noise theory for electronic systems, Energy and power trade-offs in mixed signal circuit design in particular studying the channel capacity of analog circuits, Microfabrication and development of devices |
Pedram Mohseni | Case Western Reserve University - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Analog/mixed-signal/RF integrated circuits for neurotechnology, Low-power low-voltage interface circuits for micro/nano-scale sensors and systems, Biomedical microtelemetry, Wireless brain-machine interfaces, Wireless sensing/actuating systems |
Robert W. Newcomb | University of Maryland - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Circuit & vlsi theory; bio-medical circuits for hearing, osteoporosis, Parkinsons Disease & energy harvesting. |
Tam Q. Nguyen | Texas Tech University School of Medicine - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: System on a Chip, wireless bio-medical sensors |
Konstantin Nikolic | Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Neural stimulation and recording, Biomodeling, Optogenetics, Computational Neuroscience/Mathematical Biology, Neural Implants (Optogenetic Retinal Implant), Nanoelectronics - Fault tolerant architectures |
Jun Ohta | Nara Institute of Science Technolgy - Japan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Biomedical electronics,Retinal prosthesis,CMOS image sensors,Neural interface,Implantable |
Christos Papavassiliou | Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Fundamental performance limits of electronic circuits; circuit design with novel electronic devices, Radio and microwave electronics; array communication systems; localization and triangulation Signal integrity; substrate and package signal propagation modes; crosstalk |
Melika Payvand | University of Zurich - Switzerland E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area:Neuromorphic VLSI Design,Spiking Neural Networks,In-Memory Computing,Memristive devices |
Dr. Manuel Delgado-Restituto | University of Seville - Spain E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Design of silicon microsystems to understanding biological neural systems, development of neural prostheses and brain-machine interfaces, and implementation of wireless Body Area Network transceivers. |
Christoph Posch | Université Pierre et Marie Curie - France E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Neuromorphic vision sensing and processing, bio-medical systems, vision restoration, multi-channel neural recording |
Themis Prodromakis | School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: biosensors, bio-inspired devices, cell culturing platforms, micro/nano- fabrication techniques |
Robert Rieger | Institute of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Kiel University - Germany E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Circuits and systems for wearable and implantable biomedical devices, neural recording, low-power integrated circuits |
Joachim Neves Rodrigues | Lund University - Sweden E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: near-threshold circuits, low-power circuits for wearable and implantable medical devices, cardiac pacemakers, hearing aids |
Kazuaki Sawada | Toyohashi University of Technology - Japan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Integrated Circuits Devices/Semiconductor Devices |
Mohamad Sawan | Polytechnique Montreal - Canada E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: bio-inspired circuits, Brain-machine interfaces, Lab-on-chips |
André van Schaik | University of Western Sydney - Australia E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: neuromorphic engineering, biomedical instrumentation, computational neuroscience |
Mototaka Senda, Ph.D. | Okayama University - Japan E-mail: (Click to show email) Major Interests Area: Biotechnology, Healthcare, Medical & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Intellectual Property, Licensing, etc. |
Wouter A. Serdijn | Delft University of Technology - Netherlands E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: electroceuticals, circuits and systems for wearable and implantable medical devices, cardiac pacemakers, cochlear implants, neurostimulators |
Gianluca Setti | Politecnico di Torino - Italy E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Signal Processing, Nonlinear DynamicsComplex Networks, EMI, Biomedical Circuits and Systems |
Paul P. Sotiriadis | National Technical University of Athens - Greece E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Analog, mixed-signal and RF integrated circuits modeling, optimization and design, Biomedical instrumentation and Sensors |
Sameer Sonkusale | Tufts University - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Low voltage low power circuits, soft and flexible macroelectronics, bio-medical circuits, integrated sensor microsystems on CMOS, CMOS image sensors, nano-CMOS integration, analog to information converters, active terahertz devices |
Milutin Stanaćević | Stony Brook University - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Mixed-signal Sensory Circuits and Systems, Acoustic Source Separation, Breath Analysis Systems, Wireless Power Harvesting |
Mingui Sun | University of Pittsburgh - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Areas: Biomedical device design, sensors and circuits, signal and image processing |
Maurizio Valle | University of Genova - Italy E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Bio-medical circuits and systems, electronic/artificial sensitive skin, embedded electronic systems for tactile sensors, tactile sensing systems for prosthetics and robotics, neuromorphic touch sensors, wireless sensor networks |
Virgilio Valente | Ryerson University - Canada E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits, wireless power transfer, lab-on-a-chip, CMOS-microfluidics, RF biosensors |
Kea-Tiong (Samuel) Tang | National Tsing Hua University - Taiwan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Miniature electronic nose system, mixed-signal bio-medical circuits |
Ronald Tetzlaff | Chua Memristor Center, TU Dresden - Germany E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Memristors and Memristive Systems, Theory of signals and systems, Volterra Series, system identification, Stochastic processes, fluctuation phenomena, Cellular Nonlinear Networks, Neural Networks |
Takashi Tokuda | Tokyo Institute of Technology - Japan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: CMOS image sensors, biosensors, bioelectronics, IoT, IoE |
Nitish V Thakor | SINAPSE Institute National University of Singapore - Singapore E-mail: (Click to show email); (Click to show email) Research Area: Neuroengineering |
Ge Tong | Nanyang Technological University - Singapore E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Printed Electronics, Analog and Mixed Signal IC design, Class D amplifiers |
Iasonas Triantis | University of London - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: analogue electronics for micro-sensors, electrical bio-interfacing and medical diagnostics |
Esther Rodriguez-Villegas | Imperial College London Centre, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering - UK E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: FGMOS, Low Power Signal Processing, Circuits and Systems Design, Wearable technologies, Medical Devices |
Ross Walker | The University of Utah - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: mixed signal integrated circuits, instrumentation and measurement methodology, embedded systems, sensor and device physics, and signal processing |
Chua-Chin Wang | National Sun Yat-Sen University - Taiwan E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: circuit designs for communication interface, biomedical electronics, power electronics |
Hua Wang | School of Electrical and Computer Engineering - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area:Broadband and energy-efficient RF/mm-Wave integrated circuits and systems, Self-healing integrated systems for communication, radar, and biosensing, Sub-TeraHz system integration for spectroscopy and imaging, Hand-held Point-of Care (PoC) sensing platforms for biomedical and environmental applications, Fundamental noise modeling in high-precision measurements |
Guoxing Wang | Shanghai Jiao Tong University - China E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Biomedical electronics, Wireless technologies, Mixed Signal Integrated Circuits |
Zhihua Wang | Tsinghua University - China E-mail: (Click to show email) |
Robert J Weber | Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Iowa State University - USA E-mail: (Click to show email), (Click to show email) Research Area: Miniature nutrient soil sensors, flow sensors, microwave ckts, energy harvesting |
Jason Jianhua Xuan | Virginia Tech - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) |
Hao Yu | Southern University of Science and Technology - China E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: CMOS Emerging Technology for Data Sensing, Links and Analytics, High-speed 3D-IC and THz interconnect, Energy-efficient data analytics accelerator (CNN/BNN/TNN machine learning SoC), Smart multi-modal (pH, image, THz) sensor for personalized biomedical diagnosis |
Zheng Yuanjin | Nanyang Technology University - Singapore E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: GHz RFIC and SoC design, SAW, MEMS, Acoustics, Bio-IC System and Circuits, Biomedical Imaging, Radar and UWB Communication System and Circuits, Adaptive Signal and Image Processing Algorithm and ASIC |
Jian Zhang | Alberta Innovates-Technology Future - Canada E-mail: (Click to show email) Research Area: Applied genomics, Foodborne pathogen detection, Biotechnology |
Bo Zhao | University of California at Berkeley - USA E-mail: (Click to show email) |