Domenico Zito
Domenico Zito
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Domenico Zito received the M.Sc. degree in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in information engineering (micro-nano-electronics) from the University of Pisa, Italy, in 2000 and 2004, respectively. Since 2023 has been a Professor at AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. He has authored 150+ articles in peer-reviewed international journals and conference proceedings, nine books, and book chapters. His current research interests include the design of integrated devices, circuits and systems for emerging wireless communication, contactless sensing, imaging and quantum computing applications, for which he pioneered several technology developments. To date he has participated and coordinated several EU projects in Industrial Competitiveness and Excellent Science pillars, most of them identified as successful models across the EU framework programmes.
In 2005 was selected as the 1st of top-3 Europe’s innovators in wireless technology by the European Commission receiving the Mario Boella (VP Union Radio Science Institute) Prize. He was the recipient of the Start-Up Laboratory of the Year at the Irish Laboratory Awards in 2014, the IEEE Education Society Award for his Distinguished Contributions and Leadership in Engineering Education in 2015, and three best paper awards at the IEEE conferences. He has served as a TPC Member and Chair of IEEE conferences such as the European Solid-State Device/Circuit Research Conference, International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems, PhD Research in Microelectronics and Electronics, and as Guest Editor, Associate Editor and Editor-in-Chief for the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers.
- 2025-2026 Distinguished Lecturer